The worst friend ever...

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Nuka stood there stunned and looked after Herobrine, who had just disappeared behind the Pillar.

,,Well, that was strange," he heard Einshine say shortly after, who had walked past Nuka and was peering curiously from behind the column.

,,Are you okay?" he continued with a worried look but Nuka just nodded.

,,Yeah I'm fine, I just need to...think for a minute," he replied before sitting down, leaning his back against the cold hard pillar and staring sadly in the black nothingness in front of him.

He was still hurt over the anger and disappointment, which Herobrine had shown in his white eyes. As if he was a disobedient child, he had to scowl for their wrongdoings.

Nuka swallowed hard when he thought about it.

He only wanted to help him...but it seems like it was all for nothing.

He had overcome his fear of leaving the castle and had even been in the overworld for a short moment, just to find out that Herobrine was fine and didn't seem to need his help at all. Let alone a rescue.

Nuka sighed and buried his face in his arms.

He had never been so ashamed.

Why didn't I stay at home? he thought and the memory of his mother's dream came back to his mind but Nuka carelessly pushed it aside.

I probably just imagined it... he added sadly, when a scream made him jump!

Startled, he raised his eyes and stared at Einshine, who still stood at the edge of the pillar, looking in shock at something Nuka couldn't see.

Worried, Nuka jumped up and rushed to Einshine to see what had happened and his heart stopped, as he could see what caused that scream.

Herobrine, who had stood completely healthy before him only a few seconds ago, now lay down on the floor. A sword dragged into his body. 

He was struggling to get up and free himself from a strange guy, who looked more like a shadow than a person. He pressed his sword into Herobrine's chest, while looking at him with white glowing eyes that looked just like Herobrines!

Shocked, Nuka stood and watched in horror. He felt a wave of guilt spread through him, as he saw his friend desperately trying to get the sword out of his chest while groaning in pain. 

It made Nuka feel even worse than before.

So his mother had been right after all....
Anger and fear spread through him as he realized his mistake and he wanted to rush out from behind the pillar to save Herobrine from the grasp of that strange guy!

But before he could even call out to him, Einshine had put his hand over his mouth and pulled him back!

For such a small person, the Griefer was surprisingly strong.

,,Don't!" he heard him hiss softly as Nuka tried to resist his grip, "If he sees us, he'll kill us too!"
But Nuka didn't listen to him!

All he cared now about was saving Herobrine, regardless of the danger he might be putting himself into!

However before he could free himself from Einshine, a bright flash of light lit up the End, followed by a loud scream from Herobrine.

Nukas heart broke as he heard it...
He was too late...

And he could have prevented it, if only he had been a little more confident with Herobrine and convinced him of his worries.

But instead he didn't and now Herobrine is paying the price for it...

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