Unfortunate Coincidence

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Nuka was about to go to his desk and inspect the mess of plants and potions left by Herobrine and Roxana when suddenly the door flung open and Einshine stormed in!

Nuka's face brightened immediately upon seeing the Griefer but it quickly faded as he looked into the face of his second-best friend.

"Einshine, is everything okay?" he asked softly, taking a few steps toward the Griefer, who stood with a lowered gaze by the door, visibly upset. "Is something wrong?"

But instead of answering, Einshine just shook his head before suddenly sobbing and hiding his face in his hands, sliding to the floor in front of the door. Nuka looked at him in shock!

"They know..." he finally choked out with a broken voice, confusing Nuka, who worryingly knelt down beside him, unsure of what to say or do.

"Who knows what?" he asked gently, reaching out to his hand to comfort Einshine. But before he could do so, Einshine vehemently shook his head.

"Jason!" he burst out, looking angrily at Nuka, tears visible in his eyes. "He knows!"

With these words, he pointed to his mask before shaking his head again and burying his face in his hands.

"I was just in the kitchen, making myself something to eat, when suddenly this idiot comes in and, out of nowhere, asks me if I'm blind or something..."

"What?" Nuka asked, dismayed. "But how would he know that?"

"Well, he's a keen observer, I guess," Einshine grumbled quietly. "He pointed out all the things I've done... running straight into a flowing block trying to escape the collapse, not reacting to the darkness everyone got when facing that new monster and the way I choose my food... all the things that no one else ever notices!"

"Its my fault. I should have been more careful!" he continued angrily, more directed at himself than at Nuka, who still looked at him with concern, a wave of understanding and empathy spreading within him.

Apparently, he wasn't the only one having issues with Steve's disciple.

"But why would he ask something like that in the first place?" he asked further, to which Einshine just shrugged.

"He said it's important so that we have a better chance of fighting Null, and... so that no one has to save me again..." he murmured softly, burying his nose in his arms and turning his gaze away.

"Einshine..." Nuka murmured softly as he understood what the Griefer meant, "It's not your faul-"

"Yes, it is!" he suddenly hissed angrily. "Everything that happened to you is my fault! Without me, you wouldn't have had to overexert your powers to save me, and you wouldn't have been hurt!"

"If only I could see... like normal people do," he murmured sadly a moment later, "then none of this would have happened."

Nuka looked at him sympathetically.

He knew that Einshine's blindness was a sore spot for him and the cause of his trauma, a trauma for which the Minecrafter were responsible and that way something he shared with Nuka. It was the reason why he could connect with him so much, even if the reason for their trauma was entirely different.

Still, there must be some way to encourage him... Nuka thought desperately when suddenly an idea occurred to him.

"Einshine," he began with a gentle voice, leaning against the door and giving him a friendly look, "do you remember what you told me when I apologized for having a... a panic attack while chained up? You told me that I didn't choose to be tortured and killed, and therefore, it's not my fault that I have these issues, right?"

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