Everything is alright

22 2 0

Steve stood casually on the railing of one of the many balconies of his castle, lost in thought as he watched the city below him while the day slowly but surely drew to a close.

He closed his eyes and sighed deeply as he reflected on the events of the past few days when he suddenly heard footsteps behind him!

Surprised, he turned around and immediately spotted Notch, who had just stepped out onto the balcony and looked rather exhausted, but otherwise looked almost like his old self again.

Something that made Steve quite happy.

"Hey," he murmured quietly as he joined Steve at the railing with an exhausted smile, whereupon Steve smiled too.

"Hi." Steve replied in a friendly manner as he looked at Notch with slight amusement, "How are you?"

"Tired." Notch replied with a smile, to which Steve nodded in agreement.

"I can imagine," he replied thoughtfully as he turned his gaze back to the city, "After all, you had to repair an entire city almost single-handedly."

He sighed.

He couldn't help but feel a little guilty about it, especially as these were his people, but without Notch it would have taken several months instead of just one to get the town back up to scratch so that at least the people could get back to their lives and work.

Steve's heart tightened as he thought about how devastated the town had looked when they had first seen it.

Almost no house had been complete or undamaged.

So it was no wonder that even Notch, one of the most powerful people in the world, was exhausted by something like this, especially as he had only regained all his strength a week after Nulls defeat.

Something that had also taken much longer for Steve.

"That's true," Notch continued with another yawn, before smiling again and turning his attention to the city, "But I'm not complaining. On the contrary, I'm glad I could help. I just wish...I wish I could also bring back all the souls who...who lost their lives to Null's rule..."

Steve's face darkened and his heart grew heavy as he heard this.

It was impossible to say how many Minecrafters had died because of that shadow, but it definitely had to be at least a few thousand.

That's almost as much as Herobrine has killed in the last few centuries since he escaped from the Nether... Steve realized bitterly And that's saying something...

"I know..." he continued sadly to Notch a moment later, "I wish we could bring them back too, but... at least you gave the people who are still alive their homes and most of their possessions back! That... That's more than I could do..."

His voice faltered at the last words and he quickly turned his gaze as he felt a renewed burden of guilt weighing him down, but to his surprise, Notch just shook his head in response.

"But Steve, that's not true!" he protested a moment later, "Without your organization and the help of you and the soldiers, the repair would never have happened so quickly! And what's more, you yourself helped your people a lot by keeping their spirits high with your speeches and meetings. That's worth a lot too Steve."

Steve just nodded in response.

He wasn't at all convinced himself, but he knew there was no point in arguing with Notch about it, as he wouldn't be able to convince him otherwise anyway. "Do you want to go now?" he continued shortly afterwards as he turned towards the city and crossed his arms in front of his chest before casting a quick sideways glance at Notch, who only nodded in response.

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