Shock and mistrust

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Nuka's heart skipped a beat as he heard that.

"Related to him?" he repeated softly, to which Herobrine nodded again.

"I don't know to what extent," he whispered weakly, "but I'm sure that... that there must be some kind of connection between you and... and him. Otherwise, I can't explain why... why you would have his powers..."

Nuka stared at him in shock.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing!

He could somehow be related to the one who nearly killed Herobrine and stripped him off all his power?!

"You know, I... I had this suspicion for a long time," Herobrine continued in a tired voice, "but I... I didn't tell you because... because I thought he would be long dead... and... and it wouldn't help you anymore."

"But it seems I was wrong there too," he added grimly, while Nuka continued to stare ahead in disbelief.

He just couldn't believe what he had just heard.

All his life, he had wondered where his powers came from and why only he possessed them, hoping it would reveal more about himself and their nature, but now that he knew, he didn't feel any better at all.

On the contrary, he wished even more that he didn't have these powers.

I wonder how closely related I am to him?..

Is he my grandfather? My uncle, or even... Nuka shook his head vigorously!

No! That can't be true! he thought firmly. My... my mother would never associate herself with someone like him!

Are you sure about that? a sneering voice whispered in his head, but before Nuka could ponder further, Herobrine began speaking again.

"I know that... that all of this must be more... more than shocking for you," he continued in a weak voice, "but don't worry. I... I doubt that Null knows you exist, and I... I want to keep it that way. He... he doesn't deserve you."

Nuka smiled weakly as he heard that.

He appreciated Herobrine's clumsy attempt to cheer him up, but it didn't completely dispel his worries and fears regarding Null and their connection. Moreover, he couldn't deny that he still wanted to talk to that guy.

Because even though Nuka didn't like it, he seemed to be the only one who could give him answers about his father and his abilities.

But before Nuka could dwell on it further, Herobrine started speaking again.

"Listen," he heard him say a short moment later with a surprisingly firm voice, before grabbing Nuka's arm again and looking at him intently. "You... can't use your powers or...or tell anyone about this. Believe me, it will only bring you more hatred and distrust towards the others here. It's better if we keep this to ourselves for now..."

Nuka looked at him uncertainly.

Was that really the best solution?

Of course at the moment, he couldn't use his powers because of the enchantments on the chains anyway but what if he needed to use them in the future to protect Herobrine or himself?

Especially since he was already sure that at least Steve knew about his powers and was capable of seeing the connection between him and Null, which scared Nuka much more than he would like.

What if he told the wizards about it and they kicked him out of the town or even did something worse to him?

But would they really do that?

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