1. they're my family mom

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Chapter One 

they're my family mom

they're my family mom

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3rd person pov 

"are you sure you're going to be okay?" jania asked her daughter after they brought all of the boxes up to her dorm and dakota sat down on the floor. she looked around and then up at her mom who sat down with her and they both sighed. 

"honest?" dakota asked her and jania nodded. she knew that dakota didn't want to leave, she wanted to stay there and never leave but she couldn't do that. dakota couldn't stay with the others and that hurt her 

"i wanted to stay" dakota told her 

"i know" jania replied 

"i know we had to leave but i didn't want to leave them behind. they're my family mom" she stated and jania nodded 

"but you don't love some of them like family" she said and dakota sighed 

"what are you talking about?" dakota asked her mom and jania smiled at her daughter who laid down on the floor and stared at the ceiling. she had gotten her own dorm, for some reason they decided that the girl didn't need a roommate. too in fear of the roommate turning out to be a ghostface if it ever happened again. 

"i mean tara. you love her more then a friend and you don't love her like family. you love her like a girlfriend and that's okay" jania stated and dakota sighed 

"how long have you known ?" she asked 

"oh baby I've known for longer then you have. I'm sure you noticed when you were about 13-14 maybe but i noticed when you were ten and staring at her like she had the world in her hands and you never wanted to let go" she said and dakota groaned 

"i didn't think i was that obvious" she exclaimed and jania laughed making dakota laugh. even though dakota was mad at her mom for making her move, she didn't blame her and she wasn't mad at the woman for making her do something that would save her in the end. 

"oh honey you were so obvious but if it makes you feel better, I'm sure that she didn't notice. shes sort of an oblivious girl but that's not to say that shes stupid because she isn't. i swear I'm not calling her stupid, oh god now i feel bad. i didn't mean to call her stupid" jania kept ranting and dakota grabbed her moms arms and shook her head 

"mom its okay, i know that's not what you meant" she told her and jania let out a deep sigh making dakota laugh again. they looked around the dorm and then dakota sighed 

"i have to decorate, want to help me?" dakota asked her mom and jania smiled at the girl making her smile too. they began to unpack everything , jania watched as her daughter moved everything around and began to make the room her own. 

"i cant believe youre finally leaving and finding yourself, i am so proud of you. after everything you have gone through, you're doing this for yourself and i couldn't be prouder" jania said as she held her face and dakota stared into her moms eyes. 

"i don't know if im ready to leave" she stated and jania shook her head and kissed the girls forehead 

" you're ready, no matter what you think. no matter what you feel, you are ready for this" she told her and dakota nodded. 

"lets finish this and get you ready for the world. you're going to do amazing things dakota pierce, i can see it now" jania stated and they finished packing. 

"is that everything?" jania asked 

"thats everything" dakota told her 

'call me if you ever need anything, i am a call away and i will be here faster then you know it. i don't want you to go through this alone and i don't want you to think that you're alone because you aren't. you are not alone" jania said and then her phone rang. 

"i have to go" she said 

"bye mom, i love you" dakota stated 

"i love you too my beautiful girl" she exclaimed and she walked out of the dorm. dakota sat down on her bed and she looked around. she felt at home and out of place at the same time, she knew that she was in the right place but she didn't know if it was the right time but maybe she would never know. 

she just had to put herself out there and she would find out soon enough so thats what she did. she changed, locked her dorm and she left. it was only 11 in the morning, so the sun was out and so were the people. she began to walk around to get used to the place. 

she looked around and went window shopping. did a little bit of everything , the people there could be mean or they could be nice, don't use the subway unless you want to see a huge rat or a death, there's trash everywhere, she wished she could say that new york was all that she expected but it was less. 

that was until she got near the school and she saw a group of people on a bench. some looked familar, some didn't and she was scared that she was going crazy, that she was seeing things and she had to call jania and tell her to come pick her up right now but she didn't.   

she was going crazy right? that wasn't them, or it was. 

she would only if she tried


I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to dakota and tara 

I'm sorry for what I'm about to do to dakota and tara 

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