4. are you sure?

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Chapter Four  

are you sure?

3rd person pov 

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3rd person pov 

they all went back to the apartment that sam , tara and quinn share after everything. tara and dakota went to taras room as everyone else stayed together. 

tara took her costume off and she took a breath of her inhaler as they was a knock on the door and they both turned to see quinn standing there 

"hey, I'm sorry I told sam where you went" quin stated 

"its fine, just shes all the way up my ass like usual" tara said and she sat down next to dakota as quinn watched the two girls hands connect and she smiled 

"I know what its like when they hold on to tight, after I lost my brother, my dad wouldn't leave me alone. he even transferred to the NYPD when I got into college so stalker much" quinn said and then she looked at the two girls again 

"I'm gonna go, let you guys talk" she said and she walked out leaving them alone as she closed the door. 

"so how are you actually feeling?" dakota asked tara and tara looked at kota with sad eyes. 

"I don't know, I thought that trying something with frankie would make me feel something and it just didn't, it actually made me feel worse. ya know like I was..." she led off as she looked at kotas lips 

"like you were what?" kota asked softly 

"like I was cheating on you" tara let out and she felt herself lean in closer and closer to the girl. kota felt herself leaning in too. there was a pull between them that no one would or could stop. it had been a long time coming and if someone tried, they would be damned. 

"are you sure?" dakota asked tara as they got closer and closer. they were as close as they could get without their lips touching. dakota could feel taras breath on her lips and she feel her lashes fluttering against her cheeks. 

"I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life" tara told dakota and their lips finally connected with each other. there was a pull between them and the air around them was tensing up. But not in a bad way in a way that showed that this was supposed to happen. Dakota had thought about this moment for so long that she never thought it would actually happen. 

When she thought about her and Tara, she knew that they would only ever be friends. She thought that Tara didn't feel that way about girls, especially when she saw how Tara was with Wes or Chad. But now she thought about it differently. Tara didn't  act that way with them because she liked them, she act that way, because they were her only friends, and she didn't know what to do. 

A part of Dakota wondered if this would've happened if she had stayed in Woodsboro but she knew it wouldn't. she held her hand and their lips touched. Everything felt right. She knew that this was the right thing that this was supposed to happen. 

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