15. shes a gun

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Chapter Fifteen

shes a gun 

Chapter Fifteen shes a gun 

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3rd person pov

When Dakota went home late that night after everything it happened all she wanted to do was lay in her bed and read a book. She thought that all of them were dead and they would never have to deal with this again so it made her feel happy, but she also worried about Chad and Mindy and everyone around her and how they were handling it.

She knew that they were safe and she knew that everything was going to be changed but it's still scared her and then she thought about emily. She wasn't there when they found out who the ghost faces were. She was involved, but she didn't know when Dakota was beginning to speculate everything about it. 

But she decided to not worry as it was her roommate and even though Chad and Ethan were roommates her and Emily weren't Chad and Ethan. So you decided to do the one thing that she would do when she needed to get over some thing that was hanging onto her and not letting her go. 

She went to the kitchen and into the freezer, grabbing the tin of ice cream that she could see. when she had first moved into her dorm room, she put gallons and gallons of ice cream into the freezer so she would be prepared and so when Tara came over they could hang out and watch movies and eat ice cream the way that her and Hannah used to do 

That's what they were going to do tonight. Tara was supposed to come over and hang out so they could binge watch movies and eat ice cream and talk about how they were going to handle the future and everything that was going on in their life. The two of them had each other, so it was going to be OK, but they also had the fear of what was gonna happen.

She grabbed the 10 and she grabbed the spoon but as soon as she turned, she was stabbed. The person standing there wore a mask and she stared at them. she reached up and removed their mask 

"hi honey" emily told her and she coughed on her blood. she held her stomach as she felt emily cut into it and rip her apart. she was now bleeding nonstop and she hated it 

"em, why?" she asked 

"you killed quinn, you killed my girlfriend. fuck you dakota" she told her

"I didn't do that I promise I didn't kill her" dakota coughed and emily stared 

"you were still there Dakota you're still in accomplice you deserve to die" she told her  as she ripped the knife from Dakotas stomach and pushed her to the floor. dakota fell with a thud and hit her head hard 

she felt the blood seeping from her stomach as she watched emily stand up and swipe her blood off the knife. she walked out of the room calmly and softly. it was 9:30 and she knew that tara was coming over soon. dakota laid on the floor of her living room as she hiccuped

"kota? are you okay?" tara called and then she opened the door as she walked in and looked at her

"DAKOTA" she yelled and she ran over. she pressed her hand to the wound trying to stop the bleeding but it was too no avail.

"hi t" she whispered softly, it was like her soul was leaving her body and tara was terrified.

"don't close your eyes, breathe for me kota, i'm right here, stay with me" she cried and dakota lifted her hand as she put it on tara's cheek and stared at her

"i've been in love with you for so long" she said

"what?" tara asked

"i should've said something before i was dying but i didn't know how to" dakota exclaimed and tara shook her head

"no no don't do this to me, you're not dying, you're not leaving me" she said and then she looked around hoping someone would call 911 but there was no one but them. it was clear that it was dakotas time

"i'm so tired" dakota spoke

"i know but i just need you to hold a little longer for me, please" tara tried to bargain

"tara, you have to let me go" she said

"no no no, it was supposed to be you and me . we're supposed to run away and get married and adopt kids. you're supposed to stay alive"she spoke and dakota smiled sadly

"i know, i'm sorry t, but i'm dying and you have to let me go" she whispered

"i love you too much to do that" tara retorted and she leaned down to kiss the girl, taking her last and final breathe. it was now clear that dakota pierce was dead and she wasn't coming back to get revenge

but tara was because tara?



I could continue writing where emily does end up dying, but I decided to end it here and just give a little insight on the ending . emily does end up dying at the end of the book but I didn't add that in because that felt a little bit too long. The story ending from the beginning was that kota was gonna die. I didn't know how she was gonna die or when, but this was the plan from the beginning. So to the readers, I am so very sorry that I had to kill her off but when I set my mind on something, I have a tendency to complete it thank you to everyone for supporting this book and reading it and just being so very kind to me it means a lot that you guys were able to read this book and love it the way I did. My other screen fics will hopefully be completed soon so you can read those and read this one. Thank you so much for the undying support and love. So from now on.

bye , abby and dakota

bye , abby and dakota

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SHE'S A GUN | TARA CARPENTER ✔️Where stories live. Discover now