12. 3 months ago

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Chapter Twelve 


3rd person pov 

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3rd person pov 

seeing kirby there made everything a little bit too real and this scared dakota now. they were trying to catch this motherfucker and the question was would they be able to do it or not? she had done this before, catching the killer when she had caught amber killing hannah. it was horrific and she was the one who killed amber with no thought behind her eyes. 

that was only 3 months ago and it feels like a year ago. she remembered the blood and the horror and the pain and she didn't think that she could go through with this again. the idea of seeing someone she knew being the killer was horrifying to her especially since she had to do it before and now she was thinking about it again. 


Wes has just died, and now she was scared for everyone else in the group. Not only was she scared for Tara and Mindy but she was also scared for herself and Chad and Liv and Hannah. Hannah was the one person she could lean on when everything got tough and she didn't know what to do. When her and Hannah began dating, she felt safe and happy and cared for.

Hannah was the type of girlfriend who would stay up past 12 PM just to listen to you, rant about the dumbest things in the world because she cared. She was the type of girlfriend who would get you ice cream when you are on your period and wipe your tears when you were crying. She wrote poetry, and she was like sunshine on a bright, beautiful day.

Hannah had been to Dakota and every way possible Dakota never thought about her dying because she never thought that this would happen to her. Losing Hannah was the most painful thing in her life. Sure her dad skipped out and she missed a lot of her childhood but seeing your girlfriend died in front of you by the hands of one of your best friends is the worst thing you could ever witness.

She remembered that night like it was yesterday and she didn't want to remember that night, but she did. She remembered walking to Hannah's house because it was their fourth month anniversary, and she wanted to spend it with her. They were going to stay in the apartment and eat pizza and watch movies and splurge ice cream the whole night because that's what they did. 

She knew everything she wanted to be one thing that stayed the same and so she tried to keep it the same no matter what. But she didn't think would happen, was walking into Hannah's apartment, holding a bag of treats, and seeing Hannah in her room being sliced open. The odd thing was the ghost face didn't have their mask on so it was like they knew that Dakota was going to come in and see them. 

Dakota was horrified when she saw that it was the face of Amber Freeman, the first girl she had ever loved her best friend since elementary school in the girl who would come over on Saturday to watch movies with her when Hannah couldn't. Dakota didn't know what to think in that moment because she was scared. 

She was confused too, because she thought that Amber loved Tara and not her. But Amber proceeded to tell her that she did it for Dakota so they could be together. Dakota did their stunned as she stared at Amber covered in her girlfriends blood and then looked at Hannah's body who was on the bed. She hated the fact that she thought about it for a second because she couldn't believe that she was actually thinking about dating the girl who just murdered her girlfriend.

When she finally broke out of it, she saw that it was a case of Stockholm syndrome, and she didn't actually want to be with Amber. She just wanted to fill the hole that Hannah was going to leave behind and she didn't know how to fill it. 

There's some things in the world that people don't understand one thing that Dakota didn't understand how the world goes on and on and no one seems to listen or care. She didn't tell anyone that Amber was the murderer because she went on with her. She should've told them so they all could've ran away and gotten away from her as fast as they could but she didn't. 

When Richie appeared, she had a feeling that Richie was a part of it and so she tried to tell Sam, but Sam wouldn't listen. Everything that happened three months ago back in Woodsboro was a part of her now and she couldn't let go of it. There are parts of the world destroyed and continue to go on with their life as if nothing happened, but Dakota couldn't do that and she wouldn't do that 

This theater held every single part of her world from the killers to her family to her love life. When she stood in there, she didn't know who she was and she couldn't be there. There was a part of her for someway and that scared her but she remembered one thing her mom once told her when she was a little bit drunk, a little bit high 

She told her that no one else would ever have as much control over her life as she did and now she thought about that. She had two options. She could go home and let the others handle or she could stay here and brave this

But what would she do?


surprise flashback chapter because I didn't realize how close to the ending we are and we still have three more chapters before the ending 

surprise flashback chapter because I didn't realize how close to the ending we are and we still have three more chapters before the ending 

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