cant help it

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All my life
I get called fat or whale
No matter how skinny I am
No matter what size clothes I can fit into
The names never stop attacking me
And its left me with years of over eating and purging soon after that
Or not eating for weeks
Just to get the names to stop flying at me like stones
No matter how sick or weak I feel from not eating
No matter how my much my clothes hang off my clothes
I stiil get called a fat whale on a daily basic
I've gotten so set into the mindset of being skinny
People have had to force fed me for days on end
I just can't help it
I need to be skinny
And I now crave the feeling of purging my stomach whenever I eat
Doctors can't even figure out if I have bulimia or anorexia
I can't help it
The people around me have giving me the mindset of no matter what I do
I still won't be skinny

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