Chapter 2

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The Next Day

It was a normal day with my family. My mother and I would be at home either cleaning or cooking while my father was out trying to find food for us or looking for a job.

My mother and I were in the kitchen preparing supper. I always did like cooking, but I never really had the big jobs to do. I'd be cutting tiny vegetables or be putting them into the pot, that was about it. I didn't mind really, but sometimes I wish to cook the whole thing by myself. Just to give my mom a break.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Yes?" She replied.

"Can you teach me that song from yesterday? So ist es immer?... Is that what it's called?" I said.

"Yes, that's the name, and of course I'll teach you it." She smiled. "Did you want me to sing it to you first?"

I nodded.

She smiled again and gently cleared her throat before a small silence then she began singing. "Chairs so close and room so small."

I closed my eyes and listened to her voice.

"You and I talk all night long,"

My mother has such a beautiful voice. Never will I ever get tired of hearing her sing. The only thing that will always remind of her will be her singing. Her voice was like any other I heard.

"Meager this space but serves us so well
We comrades have stories to tell.
And it's always, like that in our evening time,
We drink and we sing when our fighting is done
And it's always, so we live under the burnt clouds
Ease our burden, long is the night
Just as no stars can be seen
We all starve for a moonbeam on our town
We must all gather as one

Sing with hope and the fear will be gone."

I gave a small clap and smiled. "You have pretty voice mom."

"Thank you." She returned my smile. "Now, let's have you give it a try."

"O-okay." I cleared my throat and felt chocked up first thing. Oh my god, how does my mom do this? I can't even sing right now.

"Chairs so close..." She started the lyric.

"...Chairs so close and room so small,
you and I talk all the night long..."

She put a hand on my cheek. "You nervous, sweetheart?"

"A little, I feel like I can't sing well."

"You have a beautiful voice as well, Y/n. Don't worry about what others think."

I nodded. "Okay."

She gave me a soft smile.



"What does So Ist Es Immer mean?"

"So it is always."

"So it is always?"

She nodded. "Yes. So it is Always. Usually used for a keeping a promise."

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