Chapter 6

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A few days went past, and it was officially my 1st week with Farlan and Levi. It's gotten easier for me to talk to them and when I mean them, basically I mean Farlan. It's hard for me to talk to Levi, I try to start a conversation but I couldn't get him to say anything back to me. It was makes me wonder what does he think about me, really? Or does he even like me around?

Today was a cleaning day and we all began cleaning up the house. Levi and Farlan were in each others rooms while I did the living considering this is where I slept for now. One thing was I still haven't been sleeping very well the past couple of nights since my parents deaths. I would probably get 2 hours or less of sleep in and I'd wake up from a nightmare. I never told the two about what's happening recently with me, I'm just scared they wouldn't understand.

I swept the floor a few times and I suddenly began feeling very light headed. I shook my head to snap out it and continued work.

"I'm just gonna set this here. If Levi comes in tell him I'll get it later." Farlan said putting down a small bag full of trash.

"Okay." I said putting on a smile.

Farlan smiled back and went back to the small hallway.

I looked back down to the floor as I continued to sweep. As I brushed the broom against the floor, I felt my eyelids grow heavy on me.

"What the hell is this shit?" I heard someone say.

I turned and seen Levi looking down at the small bag Farlan left. I didn't say anything because my mind got totally blank, and all I could think about was sleep. I couldn't do anything but feel myself get sleepy. I closed my eyes and collapsed on the ground.


In which seemed like forever I finally opened my eyes slightly. I had one eye open as I noticed I was laying down on the sofa. I opened up the other and felt as my head was throbbing in pain. I must've really hit my head when I fell asleep. I sat up and rubbed my head.

"You're awake."

I looked and seen Farlan kneeling in front of me. He had a slight worried expression on his face. "You okay?"

I nodded.

"Levi told me you collapsed on the ground when he came into the room." He tilted his head to the side. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I looked away. "Well... I... I haven't been getting enough sleep lately."

"That's why your up so early everyday."

I nodded.

"Y/n you know, if something is bothering you, you can tell us. I know I may sound cheesy, but you are our friend now, we care about you." He put a hand on my shoulder.

I felt my face beginning to heat up like it did last time. Why was it doing that? Am I getting a fever? No, I feel fine. It's just when Farlan touched me I-- Wait. Could it be that I like Farlan? He's been so nice to me that I could've grown a crush on him. I mean he is good looking, his light brown hair along with those baby blue eyes, they all were so beautiful.

"...The reason why I haven't been getting any sleep lately is because... Well... I can't get over the fact I lost my parents." I began feeling tears form in my eyes.

He noticed quickly and gave me a hug. I was shocked to have a guy hug me for the first time, but it was welcoming.

"Just let it out. Don't hold I'm hose tears." He said.

I rested my head on his shoulder and lightly sobbed. This was what I needed, I haven't had a hug in so long. My mother use to hug me a lot and just having that withdrawal must've really gotten to me. Plus, I had bottled up my feelings a lot recently, this was good for me.

After a few minutes of crying, I finally settled down.

"You okay?" Farlan asked.

"Yeah." I said whipping my tears.

"You know, I know exactly how you feel."

"You do?"

He nods. "I lost my mother not too long ago. She died from that leg sickness that's been going around."

"That's terrible."

He gave a slight smile. "But hey she's in a better place. She doesn't have to suffer that pain she was going through."

"But still she's your mother doesn't it still hurt to know she's gone?" I said.

He sat down in the spot next to me. "I do, but crying over a loved one that's not here isn't gonna bring them back. It's harsh to say but it's the truth. They wouldn't want you to be crying over them for the rest of your life. They want you to live on, and be happy."

He's right. I looked at him for a bit before looking down at the blanket around me. Whose is this? Wait this material, I remember this when I was asleep in Levi's room. Could this be his? Speaking of Levi...

"Um... Where's Levi?" I asked.

"He's out right now, going on the supplies run to get the merchants good for the poor." He said.


"Speaking of jobs, did you wanna help us one of these days?" He offered.

"I might get in the way." I said.

"Pshh. You're fast, thats a good ability to have when you're with us."

I looked at my feet and tapped them together. I might as well, I mean I have to be at least be cooperative instead of staying home all day. And who knows I may like it.

"When do I start?"

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