Movie Night with Love Ones.

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Takemichi had never imagined himself in a polyamorous relationship before. But ever since he met Taiju, Yuzuha, and Hakki, he found himself falling for all of them equally. They had been together for a few months now, and everything felt right.

One evening, the four of them decided to watch a movie together. They all curled up on the couch, with Takemichi sitting in the middle between Taiju and Yuzuha. Hakki went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

As the movie began, Takemichi realized that he was more tired than he thought. He had been working long hours at his job and hadn't been sleeping well. He snuggled closer to Taiju and Yuzuha, feeling their warmth and comfort.

Taiju and Yuzuha didn't mind at all. In fact, they welcomed Takemichi's sleepy embrace. They wrapped their arms around him and continued to watch the movie. Hakki soon returned with a bowl of freshly popped popcorn and joined them on the couch.

As the movie continued, Takemichi's eyes grew heavy and he drifted off to sleep. He leaned against Taiju and Yuzuha, who held him close and made sure he was comfortable. Hakki smiled at the sight of the three of them snuggled up together and quietly watched the movie.

When the movie ended, Taiju gently woke Takemichi up. "Hey, sleepyhead, it's time to go to bed," he said with a smile.

Takemichi rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep," he said.

"It's okay," Yuzuha said sweetly. "We love having you close to us."

Takemichi blushed and smiled. He felt so lucky to have three amazing partners who loved him for who he was. They all went to bed together, cuddled up in each other's arms, feeling happy and content.

From that moment on, Takemichi knew that he was exactly where he was supposed to be. In the arms of the people he loved most in the world.

Just short drabbles of Takemichi and his partners.Where stories live. Discover now