6-"Why Would You Die a Virgin?"

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Violet sat down with a sigh in between Ethan and Chad. She chatted with Chad the whole time they were waiting for Mindy, and Ethan felt as if he was going to explode.

He was glad when the others finally arrived. He didn't have to watch Violet and Chad flirt right in front of him anymore.

Everybody sat down on benches except Mindy.

"Alright, listen up nerds! The way I see it someone's trying to make a sequel to the requel!" Mindy announced.

"What's a requel?" Anika asked.

"You're beautiful sweetie, let's hold questions to the end."

Mindy kept explaining her theories about the killers until Ethan would say something that would catch Violet's attention.

"Pretty much anyone can die now," Mindy summarized.

"Am I in the friend group? Am I like one of the targets? Am I going to die a virgin?" Ethan asked in a fake panic.

Everyone paused to stare at Ethan as if he was crazy.

"Why would you?" Violet asked innocently.

Chad looked at her with a sense of betrayal, but also with some laughter. "What's that's supposed to mean?"

Violet put up her hands in defense. "I was just saying he won't die a virgin!"

"Ok, seems suspicious. Moving on!" Mindy spoke.

"Anyways that brings us to our next suspect. Ethan! The sky dorky guy who no one suspects because he's just so shy and dorky!"

Ethan tilted his head. "Okay, why am I on the suspect list because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?"

"Roommate lotteries can be juked. You could've fixed it to get next to us!"

Mindy then went on to accuse everyone who wasn't Woodsboro, such as Anika and Quinn. Ethan held his breath while she accused Quinn.

"Alright we have our suspects!" Mindy decided.

Quinn looked annoyed. "What about you guys?" 

"We're all Woodsboro. It's pretty safe to say that none of us are the killers."

"What if what you went through caused one or more of you to snap? I mean some of the theories about Sam-" Ethan started

"Don't," Tara hissed.

Tara looked like she was going to kill him, or at least punch him.

"Okay! Okay!"

Sam gasped.

"What's wrong Sam?" Quinn asked.

"Ethan and Violet don't know what happened the other night to Tara and I," she realized.

"What happened?" Violet asked in a panic.

"Ghostface attacked Sam and I," Tara said.

"Oh my god! Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, thankfully. But it just confirms that he's back and more powerful than ever."

Ethan didn't say anything. Violet wondered if he was even concerned that the sisters got attacked. He was awfully quiet.

"Alright, let's get going back go Blackmore," Chad said, walking with Violet, Ethan trailing behind.

"Chad? Did you forget that if you wanted to do something in the dorm I'll be there too?"

Chad groaned. "I'll guess we'll just have to hang with Ethan around, babe."

Violet giggled. "I don't mind Ethan being there."

Ethan's heart fluttered. "You don't?"

"I don't."

When they arrived back at the dorm, Ethan sat down on his bed and Violet sat next to Chad on his bed.

Ethan really wanted to just pick Violet up and put her next to him. And then he just wanted to kiss her right in front of Chad's stupid face.

"So, what should we do?" Violet asked.

"I don't know," Chad said.

Ethan shrugged too.

The three of them just ended up hanging out and talking about the most random things until Violet had to leave.

The room felt tense after she left. Chad felt threatened as Violet's boyfriend because of Ethan's closeness to Violet, and Ethan felt threatened because Chad was the boyfriend of his crush.

Ethan knew that he was attacking the apartment that the rest of the group would be sleeping over tonight, and he was so ready to attack Chad and the rest of his pathetic friends.

Except for Violet, of course.

Published:May 9th, 2023

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