2-"Wanna Dance?"

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Violet perfected her makeup that made her look like a zombie. She wore a torn-up cheerleader uniform. A zombie cheerleader is one of the most basic costumes, but Violet doesn't feel like putting in effort this year. She feels overly confident and beautiful. 

Violet sits in front of her LED mirror that is on Chad's desk. "Is Ethan coming back in time to get ready for the party?" Violet questioned.

Her boyfriend shrugged. "Should be."

Chad told her that Ethan was finishing up studying for one of his research projects and he was running late.

Some of the group is attending a frat party nearby. Everybody is dressing in costume since it's just nights before Halloween.

"You look cute," Chad complimented.

Violet blushed and looked at his costume. Chad is dressed as a cowboy. He has his shirt off and is barely wearing any clothes. That just makes her blush more.

"I like yours?"

"I can tell," he teased.

Both of them were patiently waiting for Ethan since they were his ride to the party. They didn't want to leave him behind with no way of getting to the party.

The door flew open, revealing an out of breath Ethan. Ethan rummaged through the room, looking for something.

"Ethan? Do you even have a costume?"

He turned at the sound of Violet's voice. "V, you're here?"

Chad raises his eyebrow at the nickname he had called her. When had Ethan ever called his girlfriend by her first initial before?

But she still answered to it. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be, silly?" she said, wrapping her arms around Chad, which made him burn with jealousy.

Ethan opened the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out cardboard pieces which he quickly assembled. She noticed small designs on them.

He put his "costume" on and both Violet and Chad let out a giggle.

"What are you supposed to be?" She asked.

"A cardboard knight."

She laughs and he just looks at her costume. "Zombie cheerleader? Real creative."

Violet rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

Chad chuckled and approached Ethan. "Hey! She looks cute!"

Violet laughed and opened the door for the two of them. "Let's go, boys."

They were now walking to the house that the party was at, and they were only minutes away. They suddenly came to a stop when Violet's classmate, Jason Carvey, waved her down.

"Hey, Violet!"

"Uh, hey Jason."

Both Violet's boyfriend and Ethan stared at Jason, both clearly jealous and annoyed that he was even looking at her that way.

"Where are you going all dressed up?" he asked with a slight smirk.

"Oh, just some frat party. You should come!"

"Ugh, I'd want to but I have a Spanish project. Maybe if I finish early. Save me a drink!" Jason shouted, walking away slowly.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Violet noticed Chad's angry face, almost completely missing Ethan's expression.

"What's his deal?"

"Just some guy in my class. It's nothing like that, Chad."

He listened to her, but she has a feeling he is still a little bit mad. The three of them entered the doors of the party.

Loud music is playing everywhere throughout the house, and Violet can already smell the achohol.

"I'll be right back, baby, I'm going to go see if I can find Mindy," Chad tells his girlfriend.

Violet nodded. "Love you!" she yelled back as he walked into the crowd of teens.

Ethan was barely controlling himself. He didn't realize she loved him. And who was he? Calling her baby?

She is Chad's girlfriend, but Ethan doesn't want her to be. He knows that he deserves her more, even if he is a Ghostface.

But now Ethan is alone with her.

"About what I said earlier... your costume actually looks really cute," he stuttered.

She found herself blushing a bit. But she knows that it is only a friendly compliment, he doesn't mean it the way Chad meant it. Or did he?

"Thanks. Yours actually ended up being cuter than I thought," she responded.

Ethan nervously shuffles as the song playing changed.

"Wanna dance?" Violet offered, smirking.

Ethan felt like he was going to pass out. She was asking him to dance, and she wanted to do it.

"Y-yeah. Sure."

Violet pulled him out onto the dance floor and she swayed back and forth confidently. Ethan isn't much of a dancer. He has never really danced with a girl before.

"Sorry, I suck at dancing!" he yelled over the music.

"C'mon, it's easy! Just move your body with the music."

Ethan got the hang of it a bit after moving back and forth to the beat with Violet for a bit. He is living a dream. He knows that she is probably just dancing with him as a friend, but part of him hoped that she was flirting.

"That was fun," Violet said after they agreed on taking a break.

"Really fun," he breathlessly added.

"Wanna get some drinks?"

Ethan was a bit hesitant to drink anything, but he followed in Violet's footsteps. She might of had a bit to much to drink.

Violet is almost wasted, barely even walking the right way. She is with Ethan, who is making sure that she won't fall over.

They both rushed to the staircase when they heard the yelling of Chad. Anika and Mindy both stood close to the staircase too. The whole crowd of people was watching the scene.

Tara was being practically dragged up the stairs by a guy Violet recognized as a playing heartbreak named Frankie.

"She doesn't need to go anywhere with you!" Chad yelled.

They pushed each other back and forth as Frankie angrily screamed and tried to punch Chad.

Sam came running into the party, holding a taser in her hand. Her eyes locked with Frankie's and she pointed her taser at him after she stood directly in front of him.

Frankie looked at her in horror. "I'm just going to tase you in the balls real quick," Sam said casually.

He winced in pain, yelling as he fell to the floor. Almost everyone in the crowd gasped. Someone recognized Sam.

"It's that crazy girl!" a guy shouted.

"Sam what the hell? You're stalking me now?" Tara spat, making her way down the stairs.

"We need to get out of here," Mindy decided.

The friend group walked out of the party, following behind the Carpenter sisters who bickered back and for the as they slammed the door shut.

Published:May 5th, 2033
Edited: April 28th, 2024

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