16-"That Means None of Us Are Safe"

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The sirens of police cars and ambulances filled the air. Violet, Tara, and Sam were being stitched up.

Quinn and Bailey's body were being hauled out. Kirby was on a stretcher, and Violet patiently waited for Chad.

She gasped when she saw him hooked up to an oxygen mask. "Chad!"

He was barley moving, but he was alive. Violet could tell he was smiling. She pulled off his oxygen mask for a second to give him a quick kiss.

"I'm so glad you're alive."

The nurses began to wheel him towards the ambulance. "I need to stay with him," Violet begged.

"I'm sorry. You'll be able to visit him soon," one of them said.

Violet watched Chad being taken from her again, and she sighed. In secret, she went up to one of the other nurses.

"Out of all the bodies and people recovered, um , do you know if Ethan Landry is alive? Curly hair, tall..."

She tilted her head. "I don't think we had anyone like that."

She went over to someone else who looked more like they knew what they were doing. Violet waited anxiously.

"I'm sorry. The only people we have recovered are Quinn Bailey, Wayne Bailey, Kirby Reed, and Chad Meeks-Martin."

Violet's heart leaped in terror. She immediately ran over to Tara and Sam who were talking to each other. Tara was startled when she saw Violet shaking on her shoulder.

"Ethan. He got away."

Sam shook her head. "That's not possible."

She began to quickly speed-walk to where they had "killed" him at. Surely enough, his body was gone. His knife was gone.

All that was left in place was a pool of blood from where he once lay.

"That means Ghostface isn't gone," Tara whispered.

"That means none of us are safe," Violet added.

She feared Ethan coming for her. And she feared for Chad too. But part of her was happy that Ethan was alive.

Violet agreed to stay at Sam and Tara's apartment together for the next few days. It felt safer that way. Mindy and Chad were both in the hospital.

Violet had been terrified for the past few days. She stayed in Tara and Sam's guest room most of the time with her headphones in.

Tara and Sam were out today. Sam was at therapy, and Tara was out with one of her friends. Violet was in the kitchen, sitting on a chair and bored.

Her phone rang. It was from the hospital Chad, Mindy, Kirby and Gale were being held at...

"Hello?" she said. Violet was hoping that it was then letting her known Chad was being released. She had put her name down as one of the contacts to call if anything happened with him.

"This is Violet Whitney, correct?" a lady's voice confirmed.


"And you're Chad Meeks-Martin, one of our residents, girlfriend, right?"

Violet knew she still was, but if he found out what she did with Ethan, she knew he would break up with her for sure.

And she would deserve it. She felt terrible.

"Yep! Is Chad doing ok?"

There was a terrifying silence, and heavy breathing from the lady on the other hand. Violet awaited her delayed response.

"Honey, I'm so sorry", she apologized.

Violet was confused. "For what?"

She felt her heart beating rapidly.

"Chad's gone."

Published:May 17th, 2023

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