17-"I'll Be as Careful as Someone Being Chased by a Masked Killer Can Be"

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"What do you mean by gone?" Violet asked, trembling.

She knew exactly what the lady was referring to, but she didn't want to accept it. Chad had survived all of those stab wounds, he couldn't leave her now.

Not before she could apologize for betraying him. 

"We went into his hospital room just an hour ago and he was found dead. All of the equipment keeping him stable was yanked off."

Violet felt as if she was going to faint. Hot tears streamed down her face.

"Have you found out how it happened? I mean it clearly wasn't an accident," Violet said, her voice becoming aggressive.

"Well... there was a Ghostface mask found outside of the hospital."

Violet had an unsettling feeling that this may of been the cause of Chad's death. She just knew it. Ethan wasn't gone. Ethan was still out there, trying to get her to himself and murdering the people she loved the most.

Of course, there was the slight chance someone put it out there to taunt her or even the twins, but she figured that wasn't what happened at all.

This was clearly an intentional murder. And it was clearly Ethan who killed Chad.

"And you thought to tell me one hour after it happened? Don't you think I should have known right away?!"

Violet's tears were slowly balling up it into flames. She was angry, and she just wanted everything to go back to the way it was before Ghostface.

When her relationship with Chad was perfect. When the friend group was at peace. When Anika, Quinn, and Chad were alive. When her and Ethan were close friends. But was their friendship ever even real? Did he only ever just want to take her from Chad?

Violet had a million questions.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry. I was just told to call you now. I'm very sorry about your boyfriend."

Violet scoffed and hung up out of spite. She fell backwards into couch cushions and wrapped herself up in a blanket, sobbing.

She threw her AirPods out of her ears and just listened to the sound of her soft cries. Her phone turned around, projecting her Lock Screen, which was a picture of her and Chad together. Together and happy.

It just made Violet even more upset. She sat there crying, shakily texting her friends. She didn't even feel safe in New York anymore because of Ethan. She had locked every part of the apartment she could.

Violet knew Ethan was cruel, but she didn't realize he was this bad. She should of know as soon as she saw what he did to Anika.

It was after visiting hours and it was dark out. If it wasn't, she would have visited Mindy. She could only shakily call her and text back messages.

She planned to see her first thing tomorrow morning. 

Violet knew it was a devastating loss for her, but she couldn't imagine what it was like for Mindy. She was his other half.

When Tara and Sam came home, the apartment was filled with an upsetting silence. Everyone felt the same way.

Violet didn't want to seem as if she was the only who who it affected, but she felt as if it affected her so much more. Sam and Tara were extremely upset, but Violet could barely even speak.


In the next few days, there was no happiness. Nothing. It was only emptiness after Chad passed away.

There was no more signs of Ghostface until this morning. Violet yawned and turned on the TV. But when she saw the screen, she was in for a scare.

"After an abrupt stop, the Ghostface murders have continued. 18-year-old Sarah Davis was murdered. Another Ghostface mask was left at the crime scene in her Blackmore University Apartment, which she shares with former Ghostface survivor, Violet Whitney."

Violet gasped at the sight of her roommate's crime scene. Tara who was next to her gasped. Sam looked very concerned.

They showed Violet and Sarah's dorm, which had caution tape all over it, and objects knocked down everywhere.

"Oh my gosh. That's our dorm," Violet whispered.

Poor Sarah.

"Authorities are still trying to solve this year's Ghostface case, but many people online have began to suspect Violet Whitney is responsible for at least some of the Ghostface Murders. Some of the former Ghostfaces have been identified as Quinn Bailey and Wayne Bailey."

She was shocked. They couldn't possibly suspect her.

Violet assumed nobody knew about Ethan since he fled. Great. That gave him an easier way to get to her.

The screen showed another reporter. "I mean it was in Violet's own dorm room. After all, Chad Meeks-Martin was just murdered by Ghostface, so it gives her a reason to spiral..."

Violet shut the TV off in anger. "I'm heading to Blackmore."

"Violet, please be careful. Ethan's still out there," Sam warned.

"I'll be as careful as someone being chased by a mask killer can be."

Violet left the apartment with the slam of a door.

Published: May 18th, 2023

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