13-"It Felt Good to Kill Him"

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Violet held her breath when the taller Ghostface reached for his mask. Whoever they were, it didn't matter. Violet would want to kill them just like they killed Chad.

She couldn't take another loss. Even if it was not physical. Losing a friend to Ghostface was one thing, but a friend being Ghostface was another thing. It would hurt just as much.

The killer pulled his mask off and smiled a sick smile. His eyes were immediately on Violet, and her eyes were immediately on him.

"Ethan?" she whispered, the tears only falling harder.

Violet's heart must of been beating so fast that everyone in the shrine could hear it. Even Ethan. Even whoever the other killer was.

She couldn't process this. She had almost abandoned Chad's trust for this guy. And that guy ended up being a serial killer.

It made sense now. He was at Econ when Anika died, and he had always been suspicious. At the ambulances, at Anika's death scene; she was right. She had guessed right.

But she had fallen into his trap and only got closer to him instead of trusting her gut and staying away from him.

She could of stopped what happened to Chad. It was all her fault.

"Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean all I had to do was room with a conceited, condescending, alpha literally named Chad!"

Violet's hand clasped over her mouth. She stared at him in anticipation.

He looked right at her next. "God, it felt good to kill him!"

Violet couldn't hold herself back. It was like she couldn't control her legs. She went running at Ethan and then she pushed him.

Before she could do anything else, Bailey shot her in the leg, and she let out a terrible scream. Ethan stumbled forwards again, looking at her leg in guilt. He couldn't let his softness spill out. She deserved it.

"Control her if you want her alive," she heard Bailey mutter.

Ethan nodded. "I've got her."

Ethan held her in place with his knife at her neck.

She was forced to be so close to the person she wanted nothing more than to strangle to death.

Sam and Tara stayed strong, glancing at her standing with the Ghostfaces every few seconds or so.

The other Ghostface reached for their mask and pulled it down.

Quinn. But she was dead?"

"Hey roomies," she said looking at Sam and Tara, almost disregarding Violet.

Violet gasped and looked back at Ethan for only a second, seeing him smiling and laughing. What was wrong with him?

"But you died," Tara said.

"I kinda didn't though."

Bailey chuckled. "Fake blood, a little prosthetics. You'd be surprised at what a grieving father can get away with."

Quinn smiled back at him. "It was pretty easy. Stab Gale Weathers, Stab Mindy on the train. That's the sort of thing I did."

Ethan smiled, waiting for his turn again. "Want to know the best part? My name's not even Ethan Landry? Is it dad?"

Tara looked disgusted, but she would never be as disgusted as Violet was. Tara looked at Ethan and then back at Bailey.


They both just laughed.

Violet went to speak, but Ethan just wrapped his hand around her mouth. His other hand wiped away some of her tears.

Quinn and Bailey advanced down to Sam and Tara's level first. Quinn waved her Ghostface mask. "I got Stu Macher's mask, he was my favorite."

Ethan led Violet into the area everyone else was in, and he placed his mask on the head of a mannequin. "Nancy Loomis. Your grandmother, Sam."

Sam stared at the mask.

"Guess it really runs in the family, huh?"

Bailey stepped into Sam's face, holding one final mask. "That just leaves your father's. I'm going to need you to put it on."

"I didn't mastermind the Woodsboro murders!" She yelled.

"I know that, I'm not stupid. Who do you think started the rumors about you in the first place?"

Quinn raised her hand, along with her knife.

"It was so easy to turn Sam from the 'hero of Woodsboro' to the villain."

Ethan smirked.

Bailey pointed his knife at Sam. "You're a killer, just like your father!"

"No I'm not!"

Quinn looked so full of rage. "Yes you are! You killed our brother!"

Violet remembered Ethan telling her that their brother died in a car accident just a few weeks after they met.

"You said your brother died in a car accident," she said, confused as ever.

"No, no, no, you sweet dumb thing. Sweetheart, he died at the hands of Sam in Woodsboro."

"Richie," Sam mumbled.

Tara gasped.

But Violet was still stuck on "sweetheart". Violet hated that he dared to call her that after killing Chad.

"Don't you ever call me that. Not after what you did."

Quinn slashed her arm. "He'll call you whatever he wants! Because guess what? We're in control now, Violet!" she yelled.

Bailey started playing something different on the theater screen. Violet could tell who it was almost right away.

Sam hated seeing his face again.

It was a video of a teenager Richie.

"Richie really loved these movies. All of this was his. Maybe I over indulged his love of them.. but he made some of his own, did you know?"

The video on the screen was Richie's own Stab movie. Bailey walked up to the screen, looking at the video of his son in pain.

"There's a very special bond between a father and his first son."

Quinn looked upset, but Ethan looked wrecked.

Violet reminded herself not to feel bad for him.

She couldn't believe she even considered choosing him over her own boyfriend. He was a killer, and Chad was dead because of him.

He glanced over at her, feeling her eyes on him. He made his way over to her as his dad went on and on about his brother, still trying to force Sam to put on the Ghostface mask.

"Get away from me," Violet hissed.


"You said it felt good to kill him."

"Oh, it did. It was a shame he wouldn't stay away from you. He didn't have to to die."

She sniffled and turned to him aggressively. "So, this is about me now? I thought this was about avenging your brother."

"It is. But for me it's beyond that. I told myself you'd be mine by the end of this. And you will be if you know what's best for you."

Published:May 14th,2023

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