Change the situation.

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The next few days were filled with hatred for every friend I ever had. I laid in my bed, staring up at the blank ceiling, filling my head with the images of my friends. Every once in a while I would get a call, probably work or something. But I wouldn't answer it. I'd just lay there in bed, doing nothing.

One day I finally had the urge to pick it up. On the other end was Alex, really the only friend I could trust.

"Hey you haven't been picking up."

I sat up and let my feet dangle off the edge. "Yeah, I'm sorry."

"If you need to talk to me man it's okay. I'm good about cheesy shit." He sighed, I could tell he just wanted to talk to me.

"About a few days ago." I replied, rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah, the whole sex thing?"

"Yeah, what the fuck happened?" I asked.

"I don't know, one minute they were next to me watching T.V. like we usually do, next the two are fucking in your bedroom. There still together, fucking at Alan's place. " He added. "The two are inseparable. Like your sister and her boyfriend."

"Yeah, I forgot about her." I had a sister who was 25, she was dating this guy that no one in my family liked. The two ran off in May to start new, the only thing that was new in their relationship was the box of condoms her boyfriend brought home every night.

"Raven is fucking crazy man," Alex said, remembering when they were a thing. It was for at least a week, until Raven met Bryer, her new craving. "But whatever, what are we gonna do with Alan and Dani?"

"Well, when they break up can we start a band. Dani is the only chick that can actually sing and play guitar decently." I really liked her voice. It wasn't super high like most girls voices. it was more like what you would hear on an average male, maybe a little higher. Overall, she was a great attention-grabber that could get us shows quickly.

"Well, you can sing and play guitar pretty fucking decently. I know a guy named Mark who can play bass way better than Alan too." He had an idea. "I'll get him to come by my place sometime and we can do a jam session if you'd like. Or just hang, it doesn't matter."

"Yeah, that'd be cool. Text me or whatever when you get that arranged." I was actually going to do something sometime. I was excited.

"Okay, talk later." he hung up.

I put my phone back and got out of bed for once. I was fucking ready for this.


"Okay, meet up in about 40 minutes at my parents café. We'll meet you there man," Alex said, he was going to pick up this Mark guy whom I had never heard of before.

"See you there man, bye." I hung up and went back to making myself lunch. Even if we still met at a café, I wanted food. I had forgotten that Alan and Alex's parents had a café. I had only been there a few times back in high school, when my parents didn't feel like getting me from school. I would just walk home with Alex and Alan and stay at their place for a while.


I pulled into the parking lot of the café. Blue curtains were pulled back to get a good view of the scenery out front. There wasn't much beauty of the town we lived in, but there was some spots.

I opened the door, searching around for my scrawny, skinny friend. I noticed I didn't see his car yet, I must've been early.

"Jeff, how are you?" I heard a woman's voice ask from behind me. I turned around to the gray-haired woman smiling at the counter. It was Alex's mother. Last time I saw her I was in my senor year of high school, two years later, much hadn't changed. She still had a slightly round face, bright green eyes and a face that told you that this lady had kids.

"I'm great Pollie, how are you?" I faked a small smile on my face. A real one hadn't had the courage to show up.

"I'm great too, come here. It's really been two years hasn't it?" She waved her hand at me and told me to sit on the stool in front of the counter. Like a dog, I obeyed.

"Yes," I said, sitting. "You don't look a day over forty."

She laughed at my kindness. "Thank you. Why'd you come here today?" Alex hadn't told her.

"To see one of your sons, Alex said he was going to be here." I looked back out the window. "I haven't seen him yet."

"Okay, well you can just keep me company while I wait for customers." She smiled and went back in the kitchen. I spun around in my chair, waiting for what seemed like for ever to get Alex to be at the café. Mostly I just didn't want to be alone with his mom.

When I first came to the café in high school, both parents spent all of their time there. Making sure everything was great and keeping customers content. About 3 years ago, Alan and Alex's father died in a plane crash, leaving their mom to watch them.

The boys were really close to their mom before any of the shit happened. When I came to this town in middle school, I'd watch them get bullied in the halls and gets called 'mama's boy' every day. It wore off a little during high school, but the two still clung to their mom for everything. Hell, I remember once Alex came into school wearing a dress. Everyone thought he was a new kid that day.

I noticed the family's blue jeep pull into the lot. The Web's family had only one car to start out with, and the youngest twin got it. I didn't know or care why.

I spun my stool around and watched the two come out. Alex was a tiny guy, about 5'6, with bright green eyes and dark hair that ran his family. I noticed he was wearing make-up. He had picked up the emo style in high school and had kept it with him. He had on a band shirt, with the band Garbage on it. He had a pretty great taste in music. The noticed his hair was spiked up in the back and he was wearing skinny jeans. You could think he was a high schooler.

Mark, on the other hand, had bright blonde hair, that was spiked into a Mohawk. One ear was pierced and had a gold hoop in it. He had on a tight black shirt, that made him look skinny as fuck. He also wore these plastic-looking black pants that has some chains and other things hanging from it. he reminded me of Stefan Olsdal from Placebo. He also looked about a foot taller than Alex, which would be really funny if we had a band. You wouldn't be able to see tiny Alex on drums behind a 6'4 guy and a 5'7 guy.

I didn't look much different than the two. I had a blue Mohawk that flopped to the side of my head and kept part of my face covered. At work, I had to wear a hat over it. I wore a black shirt that covered my arms and black pants that had little stripes of color on it. We looked like family when we all were close.

The two walked into the café, said hi to Alex's mother and sat down at a booth close to the window.

"Now," Alex said, "let's get down to business."

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