Nothing ever changes

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"Jeff, get up." Alex said, hitting me in the face with his hand. I had fallen asleep on his chest and he wanted me to move.

I yawned and sat up. "Oh, sorry man. What did we do last night?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and pulling my blue hair behind my ear.

"You tried to have sex with me." He sat up and looked me in the eye.

I sat up, alerted. "Wait, did I fucking do that?" I was surprised.

Alex just laughed. "Man, how do you fall for things like that?" He asked. "I know you would never do that."

"Okay," I rubbed my eyes, "seriously, what did we do?"

"Just hang around, I'm going over to Mark's today. He texted me saying that his friend, Ian was on heroin when he got to his house."

"Shit," I was alarmed again. "Do I need to come?"

"if you want to be depressed for the rest of the week and skip work some more." He got off the couch and went into the kitchen.

"I should probably go to work sometime otherwise they'll fire me like they already want to do." I added. "I'll go in sometime. But I want to see if they're okay."

"Okay, also Alan and Danni want to meet us at dinner at six." Alex bringing the two of them up kinda ruined my mood before we even left.

"So, I have to see those people again." I rolled my eyes. "Great."

"Well, that's my brother and his girlfriend. You have to get over them." Alex opened the fridge and got grabbed a Coke. "Just hurry up and we'll leave." Alex hurried up and went into his room. I pissed, grabbed a drink and was ready to head out to see my new friend.


"So is this Ian's house?" I asked, looking up at this really torn down house. It looked like a bunch of kids spray-painted it and demolished it. It looked like a pretty badass place though.

"Yeah, I see Mark's car." He looked over at the black little car. He parked and we got out and hurried up to the door.

"Okay, before I knock. Don't fucking say anything stupid. There is two people in here who fucking are trying to get help." He sighed, "Just please don't say anything stupid Jeff."

"Okay, why do you think I would do that?" I asked, thinking he was calling me an idiot.

"Just because." He knocked.

Mark opened the door pretty quickly after. His eyes were red and still a bit wet from crying. I just tried not to look and step inside, without noticing the wreckage in the house.

"Sit down," he led us over to a white couch, that was really the only clean spot in the house. "I'll be back with drinks and Ian." He left us alone to look at the place.

In front of us was a broken T.V. that was hanging from two wires on the right side. It had a cracked screen and some of the screen was shattered on the hardwood floor. A lamp without a lampshade was sitting beside it. The light was on, letting some more light into the house.

I looked to my right, a window and the door was there. The curtain on the window was falling and looked like the broken glass on the window had a bit a blood on it. It looked like someone had a fight here.

"So Ian is sleeping so I didn't want to wake him. Here's what was in the fridge." He handed us two beers and sat down across from us. I could tell he was shaking by his handing off the beers.

"Okay, is he doing since yesterday?" Alex asked, still looking around the room

"Better," I noticed a scratch on his arm were a little stain of blood was on his shirt. I was pretty correct about the fight, if there was one at least. "He's been clean for about 10 hours now." He looked up. "You can see what happened when I got here."

"This all happened last night?" I asked, confused. "The fuck happened here?"

"Do you want the full story?" He asked, looking down at me. Alex wasn't doing anything, so this wasn't a stupid question.

I shrugged, not knowing what answer I really wanted.

"Okay then," he sighed, "when I got here, Ian was sitting down, where you were and wanting me to do heroin with him. I hadn't had it in a while because I changed and so I told him no. He freaked out and started fighting with me to leave the house. I didn't want him outside to hurt himself any further. I put him upstairs and comforted him in there. He's been in there ever since."

"Holy shit, wow." Alex was pretty amazed by how much Ian fought.

Mark sighed. "Yeah, it was pretty insane."

"I just thought he lived in a dump." I accidently said, realizing I messed up my oath to Alex. Alex gave me a quick glance and turned back to Mark, trying not to show how angry he was at me.

Mark laughed, it wasn't the answer I was expecting. "That's what I thought when I got here, then I realized that he had messed this all up and turned it into a dump."

"Alright." I sighed, I was saved by our thinking alike. Or Mark noticed Alex's angry expression and wanted to not see me in pain. Either way, I was grateful. 

"Are you guys doing anything else today?" He asked, sitting back in his chair.

I nodded. "Yeah, we're actually going to go meet up with Alex's brother and talk to him about what happened recently."

"What happened with Alan?" He asked.

"Oh," Alex sighed, "we just had a little incident with our 2-." I wanted to pause him.

"Alan and our friend Danni were having sex in my bed when I got home one day. This is the only time I've talked to them since." I just kind of let that sit in the air.

"Oh, Alan always seemed like the type to do that." He mentioned, sitting up and noticing something behind us. "Hi baby, you feeling any better?"

"No," a voice said, "not really." I turned around to see a man behind us in a green shirt and short jet black hair. There were bruises covering his arms and his legs. I noticed a long scratch on his arm. This was the other end of the battle.

"That sucks, come here." This was Ian I assumed. He walked and sat on Mark's lap. Mark smiled and looked at us. "This is Ian."

"Hi." he said quietly, leaning into Mark.

"Hello Ian." I smiled and listened to what was going around me as I checked my phone. I had gotten a text from Alan.

Alan: Hey, we're about to go out. We'll meet you at Class in about twenty minutes.

Jeff: Okay man, we're at a friends house right now. So we may not get there on time.

I hit Alex's shoulder to get his attention. "Hey, Alan just left for Class."

"Alright." He turned to the other two. "Ian, it was nice meeting you. We have to meet up with my brother now."

Mark nodded. "Okay, should I come over tomorrow?" He asked, looking up at us.

"If you want to, you don't have to man." Alex stood up and walked by the door.

"Okay, well bye." Mark was mostly concentrating on the person sitting on him. "Bye Jeff."

"Bye," I replied before going out to the car.

"That was pretty early." Alex said. "We really didn't get to hang much."

I shrugged. "At least we can get talking to your brother over with." I opened the passenger door slid in.

"I kind of wanted to talk to my brother," he said before we pulled away from the house. We were pretty quiet for most of the ride. I mostly just wanted to be drunk in my favorite bar.

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