Chapter XVIII; Luna

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Luna held Soleil's hand as they walked with the others to Archier manor. Soren and Selene did the same next to them. They looked at each other in disbelief of the events that had taken place over this short period of time. "I'm so glad you're back, although we suffered a great loss." Soren said. Soleil nodded and looked at Luna. She was devastated at the loss of her friend, but she couldn't let the others know her guard was down. "Give your mom and I a moment, Soren. We'll catch up with the group in a moment." Soleil said to their son, and they went ahead. "You don't have to put on a face, Luna." she started. "I know you always do." Luna looked at the ground. "I wanted to make things right with her. We were best friends, but when I became Queen we were estranged and I only ever talked to her parents. But then you came along, and though I'm glad we had the adventures we had, it landed us confined to our home. I'm so thankful for those memories we have there, us, and Soren. But I could never talk to her. Now she's gone." Luna shook her head and looked up to her wife. "Let's go, they're getting far away." Luna grabbed her wife's hand and ran forward, dragging her with her.

That was just an hour ago.
Now she sat by those revived.
She couldn't remember anything between her death and Xayah's.
But now she sat near her brother, hearing their tale.

Soleil had gotten tired and gone to bed, so Luna went up to the top deck. When she did, Ryaxleb stared at her smugly. She gave him a look of warning and he went back to talking to Ideus. He was looking over to Anastasia, who was talking to Arlie. Xayah was up with Scheven working the ship, with Leod and Foja to the side. Luna made her way up there, just wanting to talk to someone. "Oh, hi Luna!" she exclaimed from the wheel.
"You and Soleil were down there for a bit." Oh, what do I say? "The truth." Shoot. "Soleil and I are... well I don't know what but we're sort of a thing now." she said as she leaned on the railing in front of them. "You are! That's great! How did that happen?" Luna told her the story, happy to be able to get it out on someone she knew wouldn't tease her about it. After explaining what had just happened and letting Xayah take it all in, she spoke again. "I wish I could do that with Arlie. I really like her, and I want to tell her but I don't know if she'll go for it." Luna nodded, trying to come up with how to help her friend. "Why can't you read her mind? Then you'd know if she wants you to make a move." Xayah sighed. "You don't think I've tried that? Either she doesn't think about that stuff, or makes a conscious effort to not think about it when I'm around. It's not like I can dig through a person's memories and all thoughts ever, only there in the moment."
Xayah looked down to Arlie and Anastasia as she sighed again. "If I may," Luna started. Arlie looked up to them and waved, and Xayah waved enthusiastically back before Arlie returned her focus to Anastasia. "You may." Xayah responded. "At this point, you should just go for it. That's what I did. If it's meant to work out, it will. If not now, later. And if not her, someone else will come along. You're a good person, Xayah, and you'll find that. If I can, it's possible for anyone." Xayah nodded, thinking. "Do you want me to take over the wheel for a bit?" she asked, and Xayah nodded more. She ran away from the wheel and over to Arlie and Anastasia, and Anastasia left them alone and went over to Ideus. They all were watching the two, but they didn't seem to notice. Xayah talked to Arlie, and she grasped the boat in shock. Luna thought it wasn't going well, but she was proved wrong when the tall Xayah bent down a bit to kiss Arlie.
Xayah returned to her post, Arlie by her side. They told Luna they were going to try dating when they got back to Iphica, and Luna left the happy couple to return to her own. Soleil was still asleep, but Luna enjoyed just watching her. In myths you never hear of goddess sleeping, but they clearly did. Somehow feeling her presence, Soleil woke up. "Hi, Luna." she said in a sleepy yet airy voice as she sat up. "I have some news." Luna said as she sat next to her. "Oh? Good or bad?" Soleil asked in the same sleep deprived voice. "Arlie and Xayah are dating too." Soleil woke up immediately. "They are! Wait, too?" Oh no, I've pushed this too far... "I shouldn't have said tha-'' Soleil cut her off. "I mean, do you want to?" Soleil asked, piercing into Luna's soul. "Yes. More than anything." Soleil smiled as she spoke. "I feel the same. Why not call this what it is?". They embraced each other, then shared a guilty kiss. They said she'd be my downfall. I don't know what that means, but maybe this is it? It sounded so much worse, but I have fallen for her. Perhaps that'll be it? Regardless, I cannot defy the commands of a goddess. She said that she wanted to date her, so date her she will.
They left the bottom deck, holding hands. The rest of the group noticed them, and all but Ryaxleb and Xayah were shocked, though they pretended to be. For a little bit it seemed that there was nothing to worry about, just these two new couples. Luna was happy to have this rest before the battle, which was dawning on them faster than the sun.

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