Panic Attack.

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Prompt: Jenna has a panic attack and you calm her down. After you help her out with insecurities. (F/F)
Though a lot of my books contain Agere, this one won't unless requested, since she is a real person.

"I'm home!" You called as you closed the door behind you, walking into you and Jenna's shared appartement. Hearing no response, you frowned, wondering where Jenna was. She was supposed to be home by now.

"Jenna?!" You called, walking through the appartement to try and find her. When you reached your guys room, you paused, listening closely. A muffled sound came from inside the door.

Pushing the bedroom door open, you slipped in, freezing up when you saw your girlfriend. She had tucked herself into the corner of the room, between the bookcase and the wall, her hands out to steady her as her chest heaved for air, tears pooling down her soft cheeks.

Within seconds you were by her side, pressing your hand against her shaking knee. "Hun, hey, deep breaths, in and out."

As if she couldn't hear you, her breathing only speed up. Without thinking, you scooped your hands under her legs, lifting her out of the confined space and into your arms, cradling her for a few seconds, your ears picking up on her raising heart.

With her head against your chest, her breathing slowed down, throat still huffing small sobs as her hands found yours.

"What's wrong?" You asked as soon as her body had stopped shaking, still holding her close.

"," Jenna whispered, sighing. "Everything is so much, I just feel like I'm messing up! I know my depression is setting in again, I thought it was finally gone Y/N!"

Your heart ached at this, realising this has all been happening without her telling you. "Oh baby...I'm so sorry." You placed a kiss on her head. "You arnt messing up, I promise. You are doing amazing. You are the most talented person I know, and if you need help with anything I'm here, okay? Did you eat yet? That can make worries worse, being hungry."

"Does coffee count?" She asked, her body finally calm.

"Jennaaaa," you huffed. "It's eight. Let's get some food in you."

You let her legs drop to the ground, holding her hands as you two walked into the kitchen. "Thanks," she whispered, her thumb rubbing your palm.

"Mm, always. You want me to cook? Or should we get takeout."

"I think we are both a bit too tried to cook," she said, stating your exact thoughts.



You pulled out your phone, placing an order before going back to Jenna, who had settled herself onto the couch, eyes closed. "Snuggles?" She asked the moment you came in, her lashes fluttering.

"As if I could say no to that face," you whispered. Being the big spoon, you snuck behind her, letting her legs tangle in yours as you pulled the blanket thrown over the couch onto you two.

"I'm so tried," her warm breath brushed your collarbone as she said it, making your stomach flutter even as you were tired too.

"We need to stay awake for the pizza," you joked.


Jenna's hand brushed over your side, taking a fistful of your shirt and pulling herself closer. "Can I talk to you?"

"That's what I'm here for."

She untucked her head, looking up at you with her stunning doe eyes. "Y/N...what would you do if you felt insecure."

Realization hit you in the gut. Apparently work wasn't the only thing bugging her. "Darling, what's bugging that pretty little head of yours."

Her lip quivered again, but she kept an attempted straight face. "My freckles, my arms, my...I don't even know," she sighed.

"Is that why you haven't eaten?" You asked, watching a slight look of guilt cross her face. "Baby..."

"I'm sorry."

"That's nothing to be sorry about, we can work through this, okay? What's making your pour brain think like this."

"There's this picture..." that was never a good start. This had happened before. Any time she saw a picture that made her unhappy with her body, it was instant. She was a thin girl already, making her brains work more dangerous. You normally noticed, but with his busy she had been, you had no clue how long this had been going on. "Someone commented something know."

You brushed your hand over her back. "Yeah, I do." It hurt. Your brain screamed at you to get mad, since that was an automatic response, but you knew it wasn't her fault, it was the medias.

"I will eat the pizza," she smiled weakly. "Comments don't get to choose my life."

"That's my girl," you kissed her nose, feeling it scrunch up happily, a habit of hers.

The doorbell rang a few moments later, and you got up, thanking the delivery man and bringing it inside. "Who's ready for pizza!"

Jenna laughed, opening the dominoes sticker seal and taking a deep breath. "Yum," she smiled. The pizza was vegetarian, but you didn't mind, as she didn't like meat, and you were glad to help.

She pealed away the crust, eating that first. Jenna always saved the tip for last, calming it was the best bite. You felt a smile spread across your facs as she stuffed her mouth, sighing happily.

You rolled your pizza up, sticking it in your mouth and chewing slowly. About ten minutes later, the two of you had finished half the pizza, and closed it up, putting it into the fridge.

"Shall we head to bed?" You asked, rubbing her knee.

"Mm," Jenna stretched her arms up, letting you carry her. As you reached the bathroom, you both brushed your teeth and changed.

"Night," Jenna whispered as she crawled into bed.

"Goodnight my love."

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