One two three (requested) (J.O & E.M)

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Prompt:  Yall know. I know yall know. Um anyway. This is an acesexual poly relationship. Yuh.  No smut for you baddies. Kinda more of a humor than the others. (kinda 'very' short)

"I'm home!" You called, setting down your bag at the door.

"Finally," Emma huffed. She was clearly in the other room, and you walked over to her, sitting down beside her.

"Hello," you kissed her cheek lightly.

"Do I not get any attention," Jenna joked, rounding the corner as she pulled off her apron. Some of the flour that had been on it fell to the floor.

"What?! No, come join our pile!" You held out your arm for her to come snuggle against you. "If anything, I'm being left out here, you two get to stay home together all week just because you have no scenes!"

Emma smirked. "We have been enjoying our time."

You rolled your eyes and squished her lightly. "Rude."

"Agh! My bread!" Jenna stood up again, leaving the left half of your body cold as she rushed back to the kitchen.

You and Emma followed, giving each other knowing looks. This happened every time she cooked.

"It's not burnt!" Jenna said victoriously, holding up a rather crispy loaf. "Hard, but not burnt...I would eat it with soup. Should I make soup for dinner-"

"No!" Both you and Emma said at the same time. "I will make the soup!" You opened a cabinet. "We have pre made canned ones."

"But I just wanna snuggleeee," Emma whined, glancing between her girlfriends.

"And I'm hungryyyyy," Jenna huffed in the same tone.

"And I'm dating two children," you joked, opening the can.

"M'lady, that's pedophilia," Jenna blinked a few times to add affect.

"Two grown woman who act like children!"

Emma smirked. "Well if you wanted to add that you should have just-"

"EMMA! We are literaly an acesexual- ugh."

"You are, what do you think me and Jenna do when you arnt-"

"WE DONT!" Jenna's whole face was red from laughter. "Shut up!" 

You pretended to look scared, glancing back and fourth between them. "How dare you ever-" you placed your hand on your forehead dramatically.

"I hate you," Jenna joked, glaring at Emma.

"You love me," Emma placed a small kiss on Jenna's noes as you turned on the stove.

"Whatever," Jenna rolled her eyes. 

Once you had finished heating up the soup, the three of you sat at the table and ate. "The bread isn't actually that bad," you shrugged.

"See! I am a good cook!"

"I just got a chunk of salt."

"Shut up."

Jenna Ortega ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now