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A/N: Little Jenna>>> oh ma gooness, plz she so tiny. Ur taller than her in this alr? Suck it up >:(
Jenna drops after work and you didn't notice till later.

"So what?!" You yelled, the lights of set burning into your back.

"You are ridiculous!" Jenna knocked the fake potted plant off the table. "I. Am. DONE!"

"CUT!" The director called. You let your shoulders drop from the posture your character usually held, and couldn't help but notice how rather distant Jenna still looked. "Okay everyone can go to their trailers, tomorrow is your day off!"

As you exited the building, you felt a small hand slip into yours. Jenna's head leaned into your shoulder as she walked beside you, her eyelids fluttering tiredly.

"Used all your energy on that last scene, huh?" You joked, rubbing her back.

"What time is it?"

"It's only nine, we got off early tonight," you gave her a small smile.

"We go to bed when home?" She looked up at you with big eyes.

"No, Emma's throwing a party till about one since we can sleep in!"

"Noooo," Jenna whined, stopping in her tracks. "M'tired, wanna go home!"

"You will be fineee, come on."

The two of you arrived at Emma's trailer, your arm still thrown over Jenna's shoulder. "You two took sooo long," Emma laughed.

"Cuz I wanna go bed," Jenna whispered into your ear.

Once you were inside Joy turned on Mario Cart. "I CALL GOING IN THE FIRST TEAM!"

You, Joy, Emma and Georgie went in the first group, Emma hissed jokingly at you when you tried to pick the same character as her.

"Can I put head n you lap?"

"Mhm," you said, distracted in the game as Jenna rested her head against your stomach.

Joy screamed dramatically as Georgie threw a shell at her, taking her revenge by pushing his cart into a banana. Jenna giggled happily, clapping.

In the end, Georgie won, gaining the ability to go into the second round with Hunter, Moosa and Johnna. Jenna had shaken her head when offered one of the controllers.

"You gonn play gain?"

"Yes, your words are starting to slur, you must be more tired than I thought."

"Mm, wanna sweep mama," she yawned.

Realisation dawned on you, and you couldn't help but feel dumb that you hadn't noticed. "Aww, do you wanna sleep on mamas lap?"

"Too strong! Tummy no soft," Jenna huffed.

"What if mama puts a pillow down?"

"Leep n Emma? Want mama be able haves fun. N Emma say wanna see me littles. Emme gots hard tummy too tho, gott get pillowww."

This was true, ever since you had accidentally slipped up about your girlfriends regression Emma had been bagging to see her in littlespace, but Jenna didn't normally regress near anyone but you.

"Are you sure you wanna say your little?"

Jenna yawned again. "Not too wittle, ony fwee." It was clear she was dropping more by the moment.

"Okay," you shrugged. "Emma!"

"Hm?" Emma asked, a cheese string hanging out of her mouth.

"Come over here," you gestured to beside yourself.

The brunette sat down beside you, moving Jenna's legs. "Wassup?"

"Gotta sweeps!" Jenna smiled at her, reaching out with grabby arms. "Don wanna bugs mama!"

"Is that fine with you?" You asked, brushing Jenna's hair behind her ear.

"Is she..." Emma made a gesture. "Is she little right now?"

"I isss," the shorter girl smiled wider sleepily.

"Uh, yea! Do I like...need to support her head or..."

"No, but you can if you want, do you wanna actually hold her? Or just let her put her head against your stomach."

"I would prefer holding, but it's up to her!"

"Her eyes are already half closed, it's okay, here want me to help you?"


Picking Jenna up, you propped her against your hip and turned to Emma. "Okay so put your arms out, and I'm gonna lower her down, just one arm under her neck, the other over her legs, okay?"

Once Emma had her arm under Jenna's head, you helped her tuck Jenna's legs and get her comfortable. "She's so cute," Emma whispered, bouncing her legs lightly, as Jenna's eyes were already shut.

"Can I hold her next?!" Johnna asked.

You hadn't realised everyone was watching, but the Mario Cart was paused now as everyone mumbled 'me next' or 'I want to!'

"Um, maybe, I think we should just let Emma hold her for now since that's who she consented too, but maybe next time she's little?"

Everyone nodded, turning back to the game, though Joy stayed close, smiling every now and than.

You couldn't help but smile, watching as Jenna slept softly, Emma smiling down at her. Who knew life could be such a beautiful thing.

A/N: this is just an apology for last chapter...

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