Acting (requested)

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Prompt: I have a request, can you please make one in which Y/n behaves like Wednesday in front of Jenna to see if she realizes it. And Jenna doesn't realize it and thinks she did something wrong, but I want a happy ending .If you don't like my idea, it's ok.                Thank you for this idea Maria! This one's a bit short.

You had the tendency to already dress in a rather gothic style, but you had made sure to ham it up for this. (Outfit above). You sat on the couch, back straight as you watched some slasher you had wanders across scrolling Netflix while you waited for Jenna to come home.

"I'm home!" A sweet and familiar voice called.

"Living room," you monotoned.

Floorboards cracked as Jenna approached, dropping her bag at the door and smiling when she saw you. A smile you didn't return. 

"Where did you get that shirt?" she asked, used to the amount of skulls you wore. She flopped next to you and tried to snuggle up, but you shrugged away, moving to the edge of the couch, back straight.

"What should we have for dinner."

Jenna frowned. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

"I just asked what you wanted for dinner Jenna."

"Well, you just seem a bit...cold. It's fine though, you don't need to share. Um, Pizza with jalapeño on it."

You pulled out your phone, something you wouldn't put down, even if it was against the roll you were playing, and called the pizza place, ordering as Jenna watched the movie that was on.

"Good movie," Jenna hummed. "You know what would be better though? Snuggles!"

You ignored her, standing up and wandering into the kitchen. She turned off the TV, following you. "What are you doing Jenna," you asked, taking a pizza cutter out of the drawer.

"Y/N, what did I do wrong? Can you please tell me? Am I working too late? You normally love snuggles!"

Seeing her like this made your heart clench. "You didn't do anything wrong, except be abnormally loud and bright."

Jenna relaxed a bit. "Are you having sensory issues? We can turn off the lights, or I can change into darker clothes. Do you want to eat something other than pizza?"

You felt fairly bad as you sent her her own death glare, but she didn't shrink away from you.

"Do you want me to get out some paper? It's okay if you don't feel like talking, I didn't know you had trouble like that sometimes, we could get some communication cards I-"

"You sound desperate. I'm fine. The pizza should be here soon, go wait for it."

Once Jenna was gone, you let your posture shrink slightly. You did actually want those cards quite bad, and hoped she would order them anyway. Getting out two plates, you set them on the counter. Jenna came back in with the pizza, placing it down. "I think its pre cut, you don't need the pizza cutter."

This was true, but you cut the peace you took in half, licking the sauce off the blade. Jenna didn't notice, mouth already full. After you guys had finished eating, you were the first one up. You settled into the living room again, pulling out the stack of papers that you had your current screenplay on, an continuing to write it. 

"Please tell me what I did wrong," Jenna huffed, her hand resting on your shoulder. 

"Nothing, I'm writing, leave me alone, I can't do this if your are talking my ear off."

Jenna seemed to notice what was going on exactly than. Her hand dropped and you heard a snicker behind you. "Steeling my roll? Dang, I didn't expect you to swoop so low."

You let a smile crawl over your lips. "You are so slowwww!"

"Well than, miss, I suppose you don't want any snuggles tonight."

"No!" You laughed, finally braking from the role as she walked away, "Come back! It was acting! Jennaaaaaa!"

You did end up getting snuggles hour later.

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