Fake concert

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Prompt: Dance party in your apartment
Valentine's Day special

Pouring the pasta into the boiling water, you promptly dropped the box beside you on the counter, promising yourself you would clean it up later. What were you going to make while that cooked again? Right, pesto.

Once the pesto was (finally) done, you strained the pasta and added it in, sprinkling some cheese on top before putting the pot on the table. Jenna was coming with dessert so you didn't need to worry about that, and the table was already set, so you were given a minute to relax...kind of.

You opened your phone, looking the checklist over again to assure you had done everything there. Today had to be perfect, for goodness sake it was your five year anniversary on Valentine's Day.

A knock on the door interrupted your internal panic, and you jumped off the couch, running to the door.

"Y/N!" Jenna yelled as soon as she saw you, her face braking into a grin. "I brought your favourite." She held up the miniature Dairy Queen cake victoriously.

"You know me too well," you swooned, kissing her softly. "Shall we get it into the freezer?"

You lead her inside, feeling your heart flutter as she kicked off her shoes and walked to where she already knew your freezer was, as if the place was her home already.

"Is that pesto I smell?"

"It is." You lit a match, bringing it to the candles as you had already turned the lights down.

"So romantic," Jenna sighed, sitting down at her spot on the table, taking a deep breath to inhale the scent of the food.

You dished her up, doing yourself after and setting the pot down. You rested your feet against hers as you started to eat, not even bothering to talk, just basking in the silence.

Eventually dinner wrapped up, and Jenna helped you clear the space (toss the dishes into the sink). "So, you said you had a plan?"

"Well, I was thinking maybe some Karaoke..?"

"With the ice cream cake?"

You laughed, rushing out of the room. "Already on it!"

Jenna laughed as she tried to shove you out of the way, though you managed to grab the cake first and run into the main room.

"You didn't grab any spoons?"

"We can eat it with our hands!" You smirked and opened the lid, about to dig in when Jenna stopped you.

"As much as I would love your spit all over the cake, how about we get some spoons."

"Fine, be like that," you huffed, watching her leave to get said spoons.

Once she had returned, you went onto YouTube, simply searching the word Karaoke and looking through the results.

"How about some Justin Bieber?" You smirked and hovered over Baby, and caught her smirk just as you clicked on it.

"I call the candle stick!" She yelled, grabbing it off the table to hold like a microphone as the song started.

"I know you love me!" She leaned over you, wiggling her eyebrows. "I know you care!"

Eventually both of you were standing on the couch using various items as microphones, the inside of the cake having been mined out long ago.

"I don't think I can make it through another song..." Jenna panted out, her pants halfway up her calf's. Admittedly this wasn't how you had planned your night to go. The two of you had gone on long enough you had missed any chance of heading to Jackson Wang's Valentine's Day party, and the remainder of the cake was fairly flat (half melted). Though these things would normally piss you off, today they just...didn't.

"I might pass out!" You laughed and flopped down onto the cushions. Jenna lay next to you, pressing her face into your neck.

"This is the best Valentine's Day ever..."

"Even if I'm covered in sweat?"

You felt her nose wrinkle against your skin. "You could do without that part, I will admit."

"You aren't attracted to my extremely hot, sweaty, manly body?" You pulled back, pretending to be offended.

"Stop while you are ahead, Y/N."

"My testosterone ego!"

"You aren't even a man!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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