Chapter 7

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Y/N didn't even notice that they both fell asleep till she woke up on the couch with Luke's head on her lap, saliva dripping from his mouth onto her nightgown.

"Luke!" Y/N yelled, standing up and waking up Luke who sat up, sleepily.

"What? Oh Seven hells!" Luke exclaimed, realizing he slept on his sister's lap.

"You drooled all over my nightgown. I thought you outgrew it already. You even bragged to us about it." Y/N scolded him.

"Oh, Seven hells. We're gonna be late!" Luke yelled, rushing to open Y/N's bedroom door.

"Get out! Quickly!" Y/N told Luke, hoping no one saw him leave her quarters.

Y/N groaned and massaged her temples as she sat down on the foot of her bed. Aloise, as early as ever, came inside the princess' room to help her get dressed. Y/N chose a long dark red dress, one of the colors of her house. Her hair was styled in a half up half down with braids. She wore gold rings on her fingers and the necklace her father gave her on the night of her betrothal to Aemond.

Due to the fact that it was still quite early, Y/N dismissed Aloise early and told her to be free to do whatever she wishes. Y/N decided to read a book but was so caught up in it, she forgot the time again.

"Princess! The hearing has started minutes ago! I thought you would go there by yourself." Aloise yelled as she opened the doors to Y/N's quarters

"Oh, fuck." Y/N exclaimed, throwing her book and ran to the throne room of the castle.

On her way there, she was surprised to see her grandsire, the King with his guards, walking towards the throne room, especially since she was told that the King's Hand would be the sitting the Iron Throne today.

"Grandfather, what brings you here?" Y/N asked as the Kingsguard made way for her.

"I shall be sitting the Throne today, dear granddaughter. A surprise for your mother. Now, why aren't you already there with the rest of your family?" Viserys replied, looking at Y/N with a pained smile.

"I lost track of time, grandfather. Do forgive me." Y/N said, laughing a bit.

"You did not make a mistake, dear child. Now, do accompany your grandsire as we make our entrance." Viserys said.

"Will do, grandfather." Y/N nodded as she stood behind him with her hands clasped together.

As the doors to the throne room opened, everyone inside turned their heads to the King and the Princess behind him.

"King Viserys of House Targaryen, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm with the Princess Y/N of House Targaryen!" The knight yelled as both Y/N and Viserys walked down the stairs.

Y/N felt all eyes on her. She looked over to left side of the room, seeing Alicent with her children. She caught Helaena's eye who smiled at her. She also caught Aegon's who smirked devilishly at her to which she cringed and lastly Aemond's who just stared at her with an expressionless face.

Y/N hoped that he would at least smile or nod at her but he didn't, so she just turned her eyes away from him. Y/N then stood beside her father, who silently scolded her that she was late.

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