Before we read the stories.

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No one's povs:

"Oh before we read the books we shall watch some videos of some of the students and teachers." Hecate exclaims as a large tv was placed in front of the great hall doors. All the students groan. No one wanted to watch something about themselves even if they didn't know who it was about.

"Now the first one is about Selene Potter. No comments until after the video." Hecate stated. Umbridge was internally smiling. Now I can show all these people that the brat is just a liar and attention seeker, thought umbridge. Hades sent the witch a glare and Hecate started the video.

"Um Hephaestus what we're you doing there?" Hera asked.

"I don't know. Selene do you?" He replied. Selene just shook her head.

"So the girl is crazy and hallucinates. She should be in a mental hospital!" Umbridge yells. 

"STOP!" Hecate commanded. "For one she isn't hallucinating and for two this is in the future." Aries frowns and then looks at Selene.

"Wasn't that Simon?" He asks her. Selene stop for a second and her eyes widen with realisation. She nods.

"Ok, now the next video." Hecate says before anyone else can ask a question.

"Um Selene, why was Simon there and is this the future?" Aries asks. 

"Yeah that was Simon and Hecate was this the future?" Selene replies. Hecate just nods and goes to start the next video when a girl raises her hand.

"Um just two things one is that actual Aries Snape? And two Selene you lucky to have a boyfriend like him." The girls says. Selene just nods at both.

"BOYFRIEND!" All the male gods yell as well as Sirius and Remus. Hecate starts the video before chaos erupts.

Silence filled the great hall. Some people were looking scared at Lorna while others looked at her with awe.

"I will only say this. DAMN! That was hot." A certain alive Hufflepuff six year said. Lorna looks at him with a small smile.

Hecate starts to play the next video.

"Well that was hot!" A random voice spoke out of the darkness. Rabastan turned around. 

"Well this is a surprise. Where have you been Starla Snape-Riddle?" Rabastan asked the stranger.

"Well I was here to see my father and cousin but seeing you makes me smile even more, Rab. Also I was visiting a friend."  She replies. Dumbledore  stands up with a grandfatherly smile.

"Welcome, pls state your name." He greets. Starla shoots him a shut up glare.

"Starla Lilliana Snape-Riddle. Daughter of Marvolo Dean Riddle and Scarlett Isabelle Snape as well as the gods. Niece of Tobias Peter Snape on my mother side. Cousin to Severus Tobias Snape. Godmother to Lorna Polaris Snape. I do have siblings but you will know who they are soon." The beautiful women said. She turned to Hecate and signalled for her to continue with the videos.

"Oh can the older students and teachers cover the eyes and ears of the first and second year students pls." Hecate commands. After a second the first and second year's eyes and ears are covered.

Before anyone else could say anything, Hecate started the next video.

"No matter how gross, he is still hot."

"Who said that?"

"Just keep going."

"Keep the kids eyes and ears covered."

"Maia is is true can you not be burned?"

"Yes it is true. I am called a human born dragon."


"Last one of the day then it is time to sleep. The younger students can go to bed now there are rooms on the left for the younger students.." Hecate stated once the younger students head off she played the next video.

"Now no talking off to bed. Teachers and adults are on the right. Behind the teachers table is rooms for the senior students if you wish to sleep in the same place as your friends then you will sleep in the hall. Also no boys in the same side of the hall as the females. I am looking at Selene and Aries here." Hecate stated as she glared at Aries Snape.

"Yes, and Selene we will talk about this in the morning." Zeus called from the room he chose with Hera.


Introducing Starla Lillian Snape-Riddle.

Introducing Starla Lillian Snape-Riddle

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