Chapter one

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Starla's POV:

"Don't do it Selene." Aries whispered as Selene looked towards Harry, Padfoot, Fred, George and I with a mischievous grin.

"Hecate don't even think about it." Hades whispered to Hecate as she was following selene. I slowly got up and walked over to the others.

"Ok so Hecate you get up the gods, Selene you get up the certain adults that you know how to wake up. Harry you get to do my dad, Ginny and Hagrid. Padfoot you get Minnie, Remus, flitwick, sprout and promfrey. Fred and George, you get the other Weasley's. I am going to wake up Rab and the other blacks. Cedric get Lorna pls." I whispered out. Cedric slowly got up and walked towards Lorna. He gently shook her awake.

"Lorna, Starla wants you." He told her. Lorna shoots up and runs over to me.

"Lorna you get to wake up your parents and then together we will wake up the ones we don't like." I told her. We all smiled and went off to wake up our targets. I rushed over to the room Orion and Rab shared. I slowly creeped in and using my powers to get a bucket of water over the head of Orion. I walked over to Rabastan and smiled evilly.

"GET UP LAZY BONES!" I yelled as I let go of the bucket of water and jumped onto Rabastan. Orion bolts out of bed as Rabastan let out a girly scream. They both glare at me while I just smirk.

"Oh, so you want to play this game." Rabastan said as he flipped me onto the bed with his body on top of me. I smile playfully.

"Ew, stop." Orion gagged out. I pushed Rab off and went to wake up the other blacks who where all sharing a room. I summoned some house elves to help me.

"Ok so I want you to get a bucket of ice each and when I say the word I want you to tip it on the people in the beds and get out of here as quick as you can." I told them. The house elves nod and do what I asked them. I waited a few seconds.

"NOW!" I yelled as I raced out the room. Next minute I hear yelps and screams and I grin and go over to where I was going to wait for Lorna.

Harry's pov:

When I was told that I would be waking up Marvolo I knew I had to be careful and run very fast. I heard a hiss and turned to see nagini and that is when I got an idea.

"Nagini I want you to wake up Marvolo and Ginny. Also can you get a magical snake to help you wake up Hagrid." I asked her.

"Of course hatchling. Is this for fun?" She asked and I nodded. Nagini slithered off and I waited until I heard the screaming. I ran over to the others with a smile.

Fred's pov:

George and I rushed over to where our family was sleeping. Together we screamed very loudly. Our family jumped out of bed and we bolted.

Hecate pov:

I rushed over to the gods and jumped on each one of there beds until they woke up. I then bolted.

Selene's pov:

Easy. I scared the adults awake and bolted.

Sirius pov:

I transformed into padfoot and licked each of my targets faces. I heard Remus growl so I bolted.

Lorna's pov:

I used my gifts on my targets and waited for them to wake up. I heard my dad growl and then I bolted to Starla.

Starla's pov: 

Together me and Lorna used our gifts to wake up our targets and then we rushed back to everyone.

Selene pov:

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