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Starla's POV:

"Wait! Before we resume, Peter you can come out now!" Hecate shouted. A handsome young man slowly walked into the light.

"PETER!" Margret run to the man.

"Hello Peter." Sirius and Remus muttered.

"Hi, I am Peter Pettigrew." The man said.

"Pettigrew is dead!" Umbitch ooops Umbridge shouted.

"He is clearly Alive!" I shouted back.

"Ok, now we are bringing some people to watch." Hecate said and waved her hands. Another blinding light filled the room. A group of eight people stood.  There were two females and six males. The females consisted of a twenty two year old woman with red hair and green eyes and the other was a thirty seven year old with brown hair and brown eyes. The males consisted of five twenty two year old males and one thirty seven year old. The people where James and Lilly Potter, Alice and Frank Longbottom, young: Sirius black, Remus lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Severus Snape.

"Mum?" Selene whispered seeing her mother, she then ran to hug her.

"Dad?" Harry sobbed when he saw his father and he soon followed suit in hugging his father.

"Mum, dad?" Neville muttered tearing up at the sight of his parents, he ran and hugged them.

"Damn I'm old." The young sirius shouted seeing his older self making me, James and the older Sirius laugh.

"Yes, I brought James and Lilly potter before they where killed, an awake Alice and Frank Longbottom. I also brought young: Sirius black, Remus lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Severus Snape for this reaction as well." Hecate spoke softly to us all.

"Hey Guys!" I yelled. As soon as the group saw me they froze.

"Starla?" They whispered before james, young: sirius and Peter run to try and be the first to hug me.

"Oi Prongs hands off! I want to hug her first!" Young sirius yelled.

"Padfoot you can hug her after me!" James yelled back.

"How about I let young Moony hug me first." I said softly and Young Remus smiled before hugging me.

"But Nightshade..." James and young Sirius whined.

"Hey what about me!" Margret yelled.

"ECHO!" The two children, I'm sorry I mean twenty two year old men yelled and rushed to hug margret.

"I feel loved." Gabrielle muttered.

"BLACKMOON!" The two yelled again before rushing to hug her.

"Prongs, Padfoot let her breath." Seriphina called to them.

"Swift!" They called as they ran to hug her.

"Good grief it's like they are crazy." Penelope muttered.

"NIGHTINGALE" They yelled and run to her.


"MIDNIGHT!" They called and hugged her.

"Wait. Did you." Fred Weasley starts.

"Just say." George continues.

"Moony, Padfoot,"

"Prongs, nightshade,"

"Echo, Blackmoon,"

"Swift, nightingale,"

"And midnight?"  The Weasley twins finished together.

"Yes." James said.

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