
413 1 1

stripper au
Missspelled words
Mostly mean 3A in the beginning
attempted Sucide

Personaly i like this ship.
If you dont please skip to the next story.
Thank you

I was standing on the edge of of the roof When i heard someone.
It was hanta he looked at me with tears in his eyes then i see the rest of Three A wondering why then they all asked.
What did we ever do to you.
Oh i dont know Momo.
Maby you payed shiggy my own brother to try and kill me.
Oh and mina you tried to spit acid at me.
todorki you tried to freeze me to death.
kaminari You eletricutrd me.
Bakugo your whole life you tried to kill me.
Kirishima you tried to crush me.
oh but you guys have the audasity.
You guys fucked me up .
I almost od on cocaine.
where were all of you No where.
Honestly you think i can keep a fake fucking smile i cant. you guys mentally drianed Me.
now all of you can see me die. Knowing that you could have stoped this.
Wait izuku.
Izuku jumped without heisitation.
Then he felt something wrap around his waist.
It was hantas tape.
class 3A was crying and screaming.
We didn't know how you felt.
We are so sorry please .
I dont think I can ever forgive you.
To the people who were nice to me thank you .
HonestlyI need to go thank you.

Izuku packed up his stuff and left never to be seen again or so he thought .

3 Years later
Izuku is 21 and rich.
he has 3 dogs and has 2 maids.

mornin Izuku how are you today.
Good how are you mia.
I'm good you excited.
For what alexandria.
well because today you get that special costomer.
Oh my god i forgot.
He will be here in an hour.
Wait where is he from.
Japan mr Izuku.
He travled over 5 thousand miles to england.
Well him and his friends.
welll um i should make the guest rooms ready.
We Can do that sir.
No you will not today is your day off.
Could You tell my boss that im calling out.
already did that sir
Okay now go see your family.
Okay thanks sir.
Your welcome and give the birthday girl this.
Thanks sir.
1 hour later
Hanta what are you doing here.
I could ask the same too you.
well I live here .
where is elijah lopsy.
That would be me I changed my name .
So um how is everything.
Good hey han oh izuku.
Its actually elijah now
what wow how old are you.
im 21 tomarrow actually .
Well damm um how .
you can come in ok.
Do you have any alcohol.
no idiots why.
Top drawer to the right of the fridge in the kitchen.
So how have you guys been.
Eh how have you been .
Good actually i work as a stripper, ceo and other stuff
Wait did you just say stripper.
yeah only every noW and then.
My boss is my cousin so he really dosent care if i show up.
He also knows that i work as a bar tender and a ceo so im usualy busy
Well damm look at you being independent .
I cant believe that you would not come back.
eh Ive been busy.
I told mr aisawa if i ever came back that it would be to visit him.
Why wouldnt you come back.
You guys did a lot of damage to me.
We are so sorry.
Eh i forgave you a long time ago.
really you did.
I mean yeah I had nothing better to do and to move on I have to forgive.
Honestly I wish that I heard that an Long time ago.
Mr izuku your cousin needs you one of the girls broke their leg. In thought that you changed your name .
Oh mr izuku most deffimedia did.
the only reason we call him izuku is because he said that we could.
Oh ok.
well I should get going now.
Bye alexandria by Mr izuku.
So how long has he done striping. Oh Mr izuku maybe 2 years.
How good is he oh hold on after showing them .
Wow he just wow.
Sero you ok your really red.
Yeah so dose kiri.
Well our innocent cinomon roll.
He isn't innocent anymore.
Also he had a major glow up.
I mean he was hella hot then.
Now he islike a god and everything is more agh.
I mean if you don't want him.
Mr izuku is still technically married for another 2 weeks.

izuku one shots Where stories live. Discover now