Getting to know them better

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A/N: This was requested by otgwjunkie14 hope you enjoy.

• Gordi: During the mission, you and him just talked, and got to know each other more; "So... How was your day?" "It was good, I guess." Silence. You put your head in your hands "Oh god, sorry Gordi. That sounded so corny." He chuckled "Hehe, it's okay. It wasn't that much."

• Azulin: You let Azulin complain about his problems to you. You were free therapy, you always let others talk about their problems and never told others; "It just makes me so-- so-" You finish his sentence for him. "Angry?" "YES ANGRY! I JUST WANT TO--TO-" You ponder, before finishing his sentence once again. "Punch him? Kick him? Both?" "YES!" Azulin, put his hands on his face, as you pat his back. This helped you both bond more, as you knew most of the other's secrets. 

• Coco: You both liked to talk about how life was going. You just talked with each other, made jokes and laughed. You were best friends after all; "So Coco, what does a curious pepper do?" Coco rolled his eyes. "Oh god, what?" You snickered. "It gets Jalapeno business!" You both laughed, before telling each other more jokes. 

• Padre: You both enjoy reading books, from time to time, and sharing what you learned from them, or just talked in general; "... WHAT?!" You dropped the book. "What?! What is it?!" Padre asked, his attention attracted to you. Worried. "They killed off, my Favorite Character in the book!" You said sobbing, as Padre wrapped his arms around you. This happened most of the time, whenever something bad happened in one of your favorite books. It led the both of you to bond more.  

• Pompon: You both just liked to take walks around when you both had free time, and you loved to chat and talk about your problems; "Honestly, sometimes I regret joining the army. It's so stressful." "Yeah, I guess in a way it is..." You put a hand on his shoulder. "But I guess If I didn't, I wouldn't have met you, or make everyone's lives safer. So, I'm glad I did." Pompon blushed and smiled nervously. "I'm glad too."  

• Peludito: You two, bonded over anything. But you both mostly enjoyed playing card games with some of your friends. But you can get really angry when things get stressful; "DUDE ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Peludito laughed, while Grimaldo looked annoyed, and Pompon looked used to it. "GIVE ME A GREEN CARD!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You banged your firsts on the table, making Peludito laugh even more. You yelled out, "HOLY SHIT!!!" Finally, you managed to grab a green card, as you slammed it on the deck. Only for Pompon to take out a green reverse card. "Pompon don't do it." But Pompon had already placed it down, as you stared at the card not processing the information. "Oh, don't do it..." Peludito whispered, as it had finally, clicked in your head, as you yelled. "I DON'T HAVE A GREEN!!!" Peludito wheezed, as Pompon smiled evilly. You screamed before you threw, your cards in the air. Turns out, everyone had pranked you, and placed only a few green cards in the large stack. 

• Grimaldo: You both fought each other. Not verbally, but physically. And it wasn't often a fight caused by rage. But a fight caused by training. You see you both liked to test your strength skills to make sure you were always prepared. And it ended up that you always fought each other. Nothing bad, just a couple of cuts, bruises, bloody noses and black eyes; "You Miss, hit hard." Grimaldo said rubbing his newly earned black eye, as you chuckled wiping your bloody nose. "Well, that's what you get for calling me short!" Grimaldo smiled at you sinisterly. "Okay then, shortie" You blushed madly before yelling. "THATS IT, FIGHTING, ROUND 2!"  

• Seargent Caricias: You both trained, on your spare time. Well mostly you, as you encourage, well more like forced, Caricias to come along with you. But you two ended up having fun on these runs, and got to know each other a bit more; "So you're just going to let him get away with that?" "Of course not! I'll make an example of him tomorrow." You ponder, "Hmm, gives the soldier a comfort of trust thinking he's safe, he'll be embarrassed enough so that he won't misbehave again, and it gives good structure... I like it!" 

• Sonrisas: Well, there was this one time where you both pranked the others in your barracks and played some tricks; You were sneaking out of your bed, holding a marker in hand. You giggled mischievously, until you see Sonrisas was up too. "Wha-- Sonrisas? What are you--" You cut yourself off when you see he was also holding a marker in hand. You both stared at each other, before you both grinned evilly. "Oh, I see we have similar ideas." "My words exactly." You both teamed up, before you drew on everyone's faces, drawing anything that came to mind. Whiskers, moustaches, fake monocles, beards, anything really. Until you both drew on your brother's face, finishing everyone in the barracks. "Now, Sonrisas time for stage 2." "Stage 2???" "Yes. Stage 2." "Okay well, what's stage 2???" You grin, as he blushed slightly. "We have to draw on each other's faces." "W-what? Why?!" You pat his shoulder. "So, no one suspects us. If everyone wakes up, and see's we're the only ones whose faces weren't drawn on, they'll know it was us." Sonrisas's face lit up. "You are so right!" You giggled, as you began to draw on each other's faces, giggling and chatting. Finally, you were both done. And you went back to bed, both eager to see everyone's reactions to the prank you both pulled off. 

• Pandi: You both liked fashion. You loved how he made clothes look amazing, just like his scarf. When no one was around, you gave each other tips and tricks: "No, you want to attach the cloth here. It makes the colors pop more." You said, as Pandi examines the accessories closer. "Yeah, your right. But it's still missing something." You two thought, until you came up with an idea. "Maybe some, glitter, to make it sparkle?" Pandi snapped his fingers. "You read my mind, N/n" 

• Blacki: You both actually like to bake in your spare time. Blacki loves to bake for his daughter, and you love to bake for children to smile; "No, no you need to add this amount of sugar." "No, no Y/n. This dish needs to be extra sweet; it will give it more flavor--" "No, it will give the kids a Sugar Rush. And trust me, you don't want that," 

• Achuchones: Everyone doesn't know this, but Achuchones actually really likes painting. You two bonded over it, and you gave him some tips when no one else was around; "--So, then you just draw a circle around here, then you attach the two with two lines." "Can you demonstrate?" You demonstrated on a piece of paper. "Like this see?" Achuchones clapped his hands together, "Oh! Yeah, I get it now!" 

•The twins (In this book, their older!): The three of you, like to go to the park from time to time. You even like to push them both on the swings if they ask; "Wheee!!!!" "Higher!" You chuckle as you pushed the twins higher on the swings. You even threaten people if they gave you dirty looks, or said something rude; "Ugh, look at them. Grown up's acting like children. Pathetic." You turn to the woman who said that, as you cracked your fists. Seeing this the twins made an attempt to hold you back. "I just want to talk with her." "Y/n NO!" "I just want to talk~" "Y/n please!" "I just want to un-alive her." "W-what?" The twins then noticed that you were gone and had already walked over to the woman. "Well hello you waste of oxygen--" "Y/N NO!!!" 

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