Everyone x Reader Part 1

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A/n: This was requested by star_rize. Hope you all enjoy!

Your POV: 

You were sleeping in your tent, when you were awoken by a ruckus outside. Tired and annoyed, you grabbed a flashlight you had and went out. Only to be met with this: 

"What in the--?!" Everyone was acting crazy. It looked as if they were seeing things, I couldn't. Thats when I saw the dead remains of the rainbow Caterpillars Azulin had found earlier that day. It looked as if they were bitten in to. "You guys ate the caterpillars?! Seriously?!" I slap my forehead as everyone continued their trips to hallucination land, as if I wasn't there at all. I rolled my eyes, as I knew I now had to take care of them. I heard a small whimper from behind me. I turned to see the Rainbow caterpillar they'd given to me. I let it go, but it seemed to have gotten attached to me, because it would not leave me alone. I sighed, "You guys don't deserve this. I'm sorry." I said picking it up, "Here stay in my tent, while I take care of these dummies." I put it back in my tent, before turning back to the group. "I don't think I feel so well" I turned to see it was Caricias who had said it. "Well of course you don't! These lil' guys give you bad hallucinations!" But yet. I was ignored once again. I grabbed ahold of the Seargent and pulled him to closer to the tents and sat him down. I turned to Pandi hearing a gagging noise, and I knew what he was going to do. I quickly grabbed him and dragged him to the bushes, as he vomited. I patted his back, as he gagged and coughed. "There you go. It's okay, it'll all be okay." I wiped his dirty face with a napkin I had and led him closer to the tents and laid him down. I saw Sonrisas trying to go into the forest, but I quickly grabbed his hand, and dragged him over to where Pandi was. "Nope. You are NOT going into the forest like this." I sighed, before I heard yelling. "Who wants some holy wine?" "NO!!!!" I quickly ran to the Seargent who was drinking some alcohol he had packed in his flask. "It's a treat from our spiritual guide!" "NO, IT'S JUST GOING TO MAKE YOU WORSE!!!" I yelled, swiping the flask away from him, as the Seargent slightly crumpled to the ground. I groaned and picked him up and dragged him to the others. I turned to see Gordi, laying on the ground. "Well, you're pretty much fine. So, I'll just leave you, their buddy." I then heard Achuchones crying once again, making me sigh. "Please, somebody help me!!!" I quickly ran to him and stood above him. "Please! Please, help! Help!" I frowned at him, worried. Before he looked at me and reached his hand out to me. "Y/n! Please help me! PLEASE!" I rushed to his side and held him. "It's okay, Chones. It's going to be okay." He cried, and tightly held onto me. "It's okay, it's all okay" I picked him up, and led him to where I had put the others. I tried to put him down, but he still clung to me, "Please don't leave me!!!" I sighed. I managed to put him down. Before I realized that the Mimosin twins were gone! "Ivan, Neve?! Where are you two?!" I ran around before I saw boot prints leading to the forest. "Oh no, no, no, NO!!!" I grabbed my flashlight and ran it. "IVAN! NEVE! Please come out! IVAN, NEVE!" I heard a noise and followed it. I gasped in horror; Neve was stabbing Ivan! "NO!!!" I immediately ran to the pair and pulled Neve off of his brother. "NEVE STOP!!! KNOCK IT OFF, RIGHT NOW!!!" He bit my arm, making me growl in pain. I sighed knowing what I had to do. I began punching Neve so he would let me go. "Stop. Biting. ME!" Finally, I had managed to accidentally knock Neve out. "Sorry Neve" I ran to Ivan and ribbed off my coats sleeves and wrapped them around Ivan's stab wound. I picked him up, along with Neve. And carried the pair back to camp. When I got there, everyone was passed out. I yelled out to Padre, hoping he was awake. "Padre! HELP! It's the twins!" Hearing me, Padre ran out from his tent gasping at the sight. "Come, we must hurry." After working hard, we had finally managed to wrap up Ivan's wounds, along with the bite wound I had received. "I'm sorry Y/n." "For what?" "I should've helped more. I could've stopped them." I sighed, "It's okay, you didn't know. Plus, knowing all of them, it was going to happen regardless." I pat his shoulder, as he smiled at me. "Now go to bed, I can handle-- Wait where's Blacki?" "Rub it, pat it, stroke it. Three days sunshine, three days rain..." Me and Padre turned to see Blacki only in his underwear, singing and walking around. "BLACKI NO!!!" I yelled running after him. Padre couldn't help but slightly laugh at the sight. "Blacki get your ass over here!" I yelled chasing him, as Padre wheezed slightly. "Get over here-- NO! Padre help!" I yelled, as Padre sat up. "I'm coming, I'm coming!"

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