Everyone x Reader part 2

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Narrator POV:

You were reading a book you had packed, when you heard everyone groaning in pain, and knew that they had woken up. You walked over to them, and waved hello. "Hello, welcome to the land of depressed." Padre turned to you. "Y/n." "What?!" Everyone held their head, groaning in more pain. "Ugh, my head" Pandi said, rubbing is head. "It's pounding." You rolled your eyes. "Of course, it is! You guys ate those caterpillars. They must've given you hallucinations, and now you guys must have a hangover!" They all groaned once again. "It's karma~ You guys did this to yourselves!" You crossed your arms glaring at them. "Wait, where are the Mimosin twins?" Coco asked, as you sighed. "Well, you know how I said the caterpillars must've given you hallucinations? Well Neve's must've been so bad, he thought Ivan was a monster and stabbed him." Everyone gasped. "Neve stabbed Ivan?!- Oh my head!" Achuchones said rubbing his head. "Yes. But me and Padre dealt with it. Now I need to deal with all of you." You said turning before picking some herbs from the ground. "Y/n what are you doing?" Sonrisas asked, as you turned to him. "I grew some of these at home. I can make you guys some head tea. It helps with bad headaches." You walked over to the river and collected some water with a pot. You started up the fire, before placing the herbs inside the boiling water. "Okay, the tea should be ready in a bit." You said, before, grabbing your bag and walking inside of your tent, "Okay, I'm just going to be checking on Ivan, and then I'll come out." Blacki looked puzzled. "Why's Ivan in your tent?" You turned to them, "And why'd you guys think it was okay to eat an animal you don't know, that could easily be poisonous?" They were silent, as they all looked down. "That's what I thought. And he's in my tent, because I didn't want to put Ivan nor Neve in the same tent, just in case. Because unlike you all, I'm actually careful!" You said entering the tent, as Achuchones coughed. "Yeah, Y/n's not going to let us live this down, aren't they???" You yelled from inside the tent, "You bet your ugly bowtie I'm not!" Azulin chuckled, as Achuchones looked down, "Ouch." 

*Time Skip*

The tea was ready, as you poured everyone but Padre and yourself a cup. Azulin took a sip, and immediately coughed. "Ugh! This tastes like shit!" Pandi coughed as well, "Why didn't you warn us?!" You turned to them, hands on your hips. "It's like medicine, I can't just make it magically taste good, I can only make it work." They all looked down, not drinking the tea. You glared at them. "If you guys don't want to keep your headaches, I suggest you drink up, suck it up, and stop acting like babies. Or else." You raised your fist, as they all immediately drank the tea remedy, gagging. "Your guy's fault for acting like dummies." You snarled, as you left. Padre turned to them. "You know, Y/n is just worried about you all" Achuchones rolled his eyes. "Oh really, how'd you get that idea?" Padre sighed. "They stayed up the whole night taking care of you all. They were really worried." Everyone looked down in shame, regretting eating those... things. Y/n was right, they had done this to themselves. "Ugh... I feel sick" Pandi spoke, holding his stomach. You immediately ran back to them and asked. "What kind of sick?!" Pandi averted his eyes. "You know, like the--" He cut himself off when he started to gag, and cough. Y/n immediately grabbed his hand and took him away to the bushes. Where he again began to vomit. You patted his back and comforted him. "There, there. It's okay, it's all going to be okay. You're doing great. It's all okay, you're going to be okay." He gagged, and coughed, as he wiped his face with his sleeve. "There you go, you okay bud?" He coughed, "I guess..." You helped sat him down and gave him a plastic bag. "Here you go" He looked at it in confusion. "Where'd you get a plastic bag?" You shrug, "Well you never know." He slightly chuckled, while holding the bag. "Do you want something to eat, or?" "No, no I'm good." You nodded and smiled at him. Thats when everyone knew the fact that you did really care about them all. "Okay, how about you all? Seargent, you haven't spoken since you woke up, you okay?" You asked, looking towards the Seargent, "I-- I'm fine." You gave him a look questioning his answer, but you shrugged and helped the others. "Hey Y/n?" You turned to Achuchones, who had asked. "Hm?" "Did any of us do anything dumb last night, after... You know." You chuckle and sit down. "Well, some of you did. Some of you didn't. Want me to list the names? Or do you want me to tell you." "Both." Azulin said, making you chuckle. "So, first, let's do......Blacki!" Blacki frowned and said jokingly. "Wow thanks for throwing me under the bus." You all laughed, and you shake your head. You then began to tell everyone what they did, making them laugh and some slightly embarrassed. The rest of the time, you made sure they all felt better, told jokes, and when everyone felt better you all got back on the move. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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