Chapter 2: Switching sides

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Y/n POV 

I open my eyes to see I'm in a Bacta tank with a prosthetic leg. As I try to move the water starts to drain, giving me a clear view of the Sith I saw before I fainted. 

Me: You

I said spitefully as I tried to hit the glass but for some reason I couldn't. I looked at both my arms and saw tight cables holding my arms in place. 

???: Calm down young one 

He said as he waved his hand and I felt all my worry and anger fade away. 

Me: What did you just do? 

I asked as the tank opened and my hands were freed. I tried to step out of the tank but ended up falling down, thankfully the sith caught me before I could hit the ground. Sitting me down, he continued talking. 

???: I merely calmed you down, if your thoughts were still clouded with anger and all the other emotions you had lying around You'd have attacked me.

Me: What do you want?

I ask as I glare up at him. I didn't trust this man, not one bit. Just because he saved me then doesn't mean he won't try to hurt me now. 

???: I mean no harm, I merely want to talk, If I wanted to kill you I wouldn't have gave you a prosthetic leg now would I.

Me: Sith are unpredictable.

???: Even So, I want you to at least hear what I have to say 

Me: Well?

???: How do you feel about how your master abandoned you. 

Me: He didn't abandon me. He went to get back-up.

???: Really, then why didn't he come back immediately after contacting the jedi and help you defend yourself against my apprentice? Or take off Immediately when you had arrived. 

Me: (Thoughts) As much as I hate to admit it, He's got a point, maybe if he had came back I wouldn't have lost my leg.

I thought as I became enraged at the revelation, the bastard had left me to save himself, what a coward. 

???: Have you finally realized? 

Me: I know what your trying to do and it wont work. I'm loyal to the Jedi, something you Sith, and my Master, know nothing about. 

???: I think your loyalties have been misplaced.

The Sith said as he held up his holocron and an image started to play. 

Yoda: A meeting we have called you here for. Expel Young L/n we must. 

Mace Windu: I agree, he has shown no growth since becoming a padawan. 

Anakin: What! No growth? He mastered Form I, III, and IV before (Insert Master Name) even took him as his Padawan, He's a prodigy! 

Obi-Wan: Maybe (Insert Master Name) just didn't teach him things he didn't already know. 

(Insert Master Name): I taught him perfectly fine, he just isn't picking things up. 

Plo-Koon: I don't agree with kicking young L/n out of the order. I believe that one day he can grow into be a fine Jedi. 

Shaak-Ti: I don't know about this. Maybe someone else should train him, like Anakin, he's a jedi knight. 

Anakin: Wait What. 

Plo-Koon: Or maybe even Obi-Wan.

Obi-wan: Um, I don't consent to this.

Mace Windu: It's already been decided, (Insert Master Name) Will take him to Tatooine and from there he's on his own. 

After Mace Windu is finished speaking the transmission shuts off. 

Me: What?

???: They were going to expel you. 

Me: N-No they wouldn't do thi-

Then it hits me, Tatooine, Master left me there, not only that the Sith let him go as well. Could he have-

???: Yes he did, that's why I didn't save my apprentice. 

Me: Did you just read my mind.

???: Yes

Thinking i've been sitting down for long enough I try to stand up, and to my surprise, it worked. 

???: Interesting, it seems you can already walk, even after being in a coma for so long. 

Y/n: Coma?

???: Yes, you've been in a Coma for three months. Long enough for the Jedi to come looking, but they didn't, not until yesterday at least. 

Y/n: Hmm?

???: Anakin Skywalker and his new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano arrived here yesterday on Tatooine. Earlier this morning Obi-Wan came looking, almost found me. However it was just them, no one else. 

The Jedi, they Abandoned me, well most of them. 

Y/n: Say, have you alrea-

???: Taken on anybody as an apprentice? Yeah, but who said the Sith just have to have one Apprentice? 

The masked sith said as he opened the door and standing there was my brother in everything but blood, Cal Kestis. 

Me: Cal?


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