Chapter 10

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  Chapter Ten

A few days later Jonah and Devin finally entered Houston Texas. The long trip's toll was quickly covered up with joy as Devin pointed out the window to a sign above the freeway. His child-like behavior caused Jonah to crack a smile. Jonah shifted in his seat and glanced towards his side mirror to see if he could change lanes. The traffic was steady flowing. Cars and trucks whizzing by heading towards their destination. The six lane highway would have seemed ominous to any regular driver, but Jonah had driven in downtown New York before, this was easy compared to that. As Jonah made a lane change a streak of bright light hurled in the sky above them. Devin rolled the window down and popped his head out the car to watch it fly over head.

"What is that?" Jonah asked as he tried to look for himself, but was occupied with traffic all around him. Jonah glanced over to see Devin's grim face staring back at him.

"Whatever happened Jonah, remember who you work for." Devin said in a stern but cold voice.

"What?" Jonah asked bewildered at the statement and the way Devin was acting. Johna was about to ask another question, but was halted when a bright light, brighter than the sun shimmered before them. Jonah couldn't help but gaze in the bright swirling yellow and white hue that beamed from past the tall buildings of Houston. As the light still shone brightly, a loud crackled and boom escaped from its center. The shock wave rippled across the city and stretched out across the city and towards the highway. Buildings, glass, cars and concrete went flying backwards.

The direct hit of the missile causes a Radius of a fireball: 0.88 km.Maximum nuclear fireball size; impact on ground damage is dependent on detonation height. The amount of radioactive fallout is greatly increased if it strikes the ground. Almost everything inside the fireball is annihilated. For negligible fallout, the minimum burst height is 0.8 km. This is where the missile landed, due north of houston. The center of Huston experienced the Radius of moderate bomb damage (6.53 km; 134 km2) at 5 psi. Most residential buildings collapse at 5 psi overpressure, and injuries and fatalities are commonplace. Commercial and residential buildings with significant damage have a greater likelihood of catching fire, and those structures also have a high risk of fire spread. frequently used in cities as a standard for moderate damage.Radius of thermal exposure for third-degree burns: 11.1 km Because they destroy the pain nerves, third-degree burns affect all layers of the skin and are frequently painless. They may necessitate amputation and may result in significant scarring or disability. At this yield, the probability of 3rd degree burns is 100% .18.4 km is the light blast damage radius at 1 psi.Glass windows should break at around 1 psi of excess pressure. When people in the neighborhood come to a window after seeing the flash of a nuclear explosion (which travels faster than the pressure wave), this can result in numerous injuries among them. frequently used in cities as a standard for minor damage. The fireball from a nuclear explosion reaches its greatest magnitude in around 10 seconds. Massive amounts of energy are released during a nuclear explosion in the form of blast, heat, and radiation. Many hundreds of kilometers per hour are covered by a massive shockwave. Near ground zero, the explosion kills people, but farther distant it results in internal bleeding, lung ailments, and ear damage. Buildings that collapse and flying items injure people. Nearly everything in the vicinity of ground zero is vaporized because of the tremendous thermal radiation. The intense heat produces serious burns and starts fires across a wide region that combine to form a massive firestorm. Even those in underground shelters risk dying from carbon monoxide poisoning and oxygen deprivation.Ionizing radiation is a long-term byproduct of nuclear weapons that causes cancer and genetic damage in addition to killing or injuring those who are exposed to it. Ionizing radiation also contaminates the environment. In the long run, the deployment of even 1% of the world's nuclear arsenal might alter the climate and result in a nuclear famine that could kill up to two billion people. Our delicate environment would be destroyed by a nuclear winter brought on by the explosion of thousands of nuclear bombs.

Jonah's was blessed in the fact his car was just out side of the hazorious zone. However he did not escape uncscaverd. The blast caused the free way to buckle and collapse. This sent his car turning over and landing between concrete barriers in the division of the highway where construction was happening. The bright Light and force of the blast was all Jonah felt and saw before everything went dark. Was Jonah unconscious for a day or maybe two?those were pne of the many questions he asked himself When he finally came to. great pain from the blast and car toppling over flooded his now conscience body. Jonah sight was blurry and this was the reason for him taking so long to get out of the car. He called out for Devin, but there was no response. Using his hand, he felt his way around to the passenger side of the car. Jonah reached in and felt the cold stiff body of his friend. His morning would be short lived, Jonah knew he needed to grab what he could and find shelter. If this was what he thought it was, the fall out would be toxic and radioactive. 

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