Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

The next day the two start their journey into the unknown. Both knew there would be danger along the way, but at least they had each other to count on. Along the way, Camila asks about the bible as well as about what Jona went through. Jonah slowly begins to teach her lessons along the way and opens up about himself. Jonah even let her have his bible, which she would thumb through and read throughout the day.

"Jonah is a bible name...He ran from God.. that does that fit you." Camila pointed out.

"Jonah ran from God and didn't want to warn the people of Nineveh and God punished him, does fit I suppose." Jonah shrugged it off.

"and said, "I called out of my trouble and distress to the Lord, And He answered me; Out of the belly of Sheol I cried for help, And You heard my voice.‭‭Jonah‬ ‭2:2‬ ‭AMP‬‬" I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world, you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world." [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]"

‭‭John‬ ‭16‬:‭33‬ ‭AMP‬‬" Jonah quoted.

"Man if I only had your superpower in college." Camila jokes.

"Naw, it isn't a superpower. Lots of people have it." Jonah glanced in her direction as they walked through a field.

"Not really. Not anymore.." Camila noticed how depressing that sounded. How so many people were dead now, that they knew of, and how insensitive the statement was she changed the subject.

"So why Galveston?" She asked.

"Who doesn't like the beach? No.. I knew it would be a good place to camp. You can fish for food and they have a fort there that is great for staying in, I am sure."

"What about hurricanes? You would never know when they will hit now. How about we go to the mountains? Plenty of game and high up to see if anyone is coming?" She asked.

"Mmm, I don't know." Jonah thought out loud.

"Let's make a deal, how about we spend some time at the beach and then maybe migrate to the mountain later? To keep our options open?"

"If the beach doesn't work, then we can go to the mountains... which range? Rockies, Appalachian?"

"The Appalachians are more forest, so it would have better food I am sure. But there are the natives that live there. No doubt they survived this. They lived there all their lives, this is their time to shine really." Camila stopped for a moment to rest.

"That is also true... the Rockies have wintertime would be rough. Also, others are probably thinking the same thing we are about location."

"I wonder if anyone invaded us, or if it was just to bomb us and leave us to die." Camila asked.

"That is a good question. This whole time I haven't seen any planes or really ran into anyone" she continued.

"The ones I have seen..or could barely see, were rouge packs of crazy people. Brutal and cannibals." Jonah added.

"I am glad I haven't run into those types of survivors. The ones I have met were either super helpful, or savage." Camila paused as they came upon a subdivision.

"SO what do we do?" She asked, glancing toward Jonah. He stood there silently thinking to himself.

"It could be empty and safe, or there could be people in those houses." Just as Camila was about to speak, a groan came from the trees beside them. Camila pulled out her knife while Jonah stepped in front of her instinctively. Jonah used his hand to signal for her to stay as he slowly tiptoes towards the sound. Jonah pulled back a few branches to see an injured soldier.

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