Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty one
   Camila sat in the chair beside Jonah's bed staring at the ceiling. Her eyes traced every stain and crack in the tiles. She had not left his side in two days. Although Jonah was injured he survived, however his injuries caused him to slip into a coma. The doctor did not know if he would make it through this ordeal. Even in normal situations in a hospital when patients slipped into a coma, it was a difficult diagnosis to give. Cade would visit every now and then, but he couldn't stay long. He was appointed the new leader now that Wade was dead. The community was shocked at the truth behind Wade's secrets. Many left the community due to the betrayal of Wade and loss of hope but over half stayed to rebuild and live under Cade. They had roots in the community and didn't want to brave the wilderness. Cade promised to make things right and make a change, however he was silently unsure how to. He desperately needed guidance from Jonah but the preacher was in a coma. He knew he had to reach out to Camila, but he was unsure if she would help due to her distress because of the situation. On the fourth day, Cade finally found the courage to ask for help.
"Miss Cam, I need to have a word with you." Cade entered the medical building and stood beside her. His eyes glanced at the dark circles that lined her eyes. Camila looked up from Jonah's bible she was reading and faintly smiled.
"Sure Cade."
"Cammy I honestly don't know what to do.these people are scared and confused as to what happened. Many have left and the ones who stayed are looking to me to lead them. I have no idea how to do that or what to tell them about the real truth about God. My drug-burnt brain can't handle this" he confessed. Camila gave a small reassuring smile up at Cade.
"Don't be hard on yourself Cade. I barely know what to do myself. Jonah was the one always in the lead." She glanced down at the sleeping Jonah and squeezed his hand.
"Any update on his condition?" Cade asked.
"No. The doctor hasn't a clue. There are no machines and tests he can perform in order to see what is going on. All we can do is pray he wakes up." She lifted Jonah's hand and placed it on her cheek feeling his warmth.

    Camila stays and helps rebuild the Community with Cade. Every day she checked on Jonah and even read to him, hopeful he would wake up. Camila did her best to  teach the truth from Jonah's notes, and the others were grateful for the truth. Cam could see the change in the community as well as Cade and it pleased her. Days turned into a couple weeks and Jonah still was in a coma from the gunshot. Camila was slowly losing hope, but Cade encouraged her daily. when Camila was at the end of her rope, Jonah's eyes fluttered open.
    Camila knelt down at his side, brushing his hair with her hands as tears of joy streamed down her face.
"Jonah..." she gripped his hand with her right hand as her left continued to stroke his black hair. The doctor rushed in and almost knocked over Jonah's makeshift Iv.
"Jonah..." he spoke as he took Jonah's vitals.the doctor was just as shocked as Camila was.
"I can't believe it. I was just telling Camila we were out of these Iv's and you wouldn't have much longer to live." Jonah went to speak, but coughed from his dry throat. Camila reached for a glass of water and brought it to his lips. She slowly poured the liquid into his mouth helping him drink.
Jonah drank greedily from the glass before attempting to sit up.
"Take it easy. You have been in bed for a few weeks, so your muscles need time to adjust." The doctor spoke.
"I have no clue what kind of damage has happened to be honest. I am not sure how you are even still alive, less alone awake" The doctor explained.
"It's a miracle." Camila spoke with a smile.
"Cam..." Jonah spoke with a raspy voice.
"Wade?" He asked.
"Wade is dead." Cam's smile faded slightly as she explained everything to Jonah. The story she told was lengthy, but informative. A lot had happened since Jonah was shot and all for the good. Jonah slowly sat up with Cam's help. He continued to listen to her explanation without interruption. When she was finished he stayed silent for a moment before he began to explain what had happened to him while in a coma.In his coma god gave Jonah a vision. It was very detailed and honestly frightening. Jonah was to spread the gospel to this country. America was broken and overrun with the wicked, but the few good souls that were left needed not only hope but the gospel.
"The people need help and Cam, I am to go out and help them in any way I can. Doing what needs to be done by showing them love and compassion. I want you to come with me." He held her hand tightly.
"I know you have set up roots here and out there it is very dangerous, but I want you by my side."
"I don't think that is smart. I don't even think you can walk .....being you've been laying here this long." The doctor pointed out.
Camila agrees to go with them. Jonah slowly pulled the blankets back and slowly swung his legs to hang off the bed. The doctor watched in amazement as he struggled to stand. Although he was only able to barely get to his feet for a second, the doctor was impressed. Camila caught Jonah and helped him back on the bed.
"I will go with you, but first you need to rest and gain your strength. We also need to help the people here." She added.
"I believe one of the guards who stayed used to be a physical therapist." The doctor added.
"I will go get her." He quickly rushed out the building to find the woman.
"Camila, I understand your concern. I know I need to recoup, but I am serious about this. I have to do what I am called to." Camila took his hands reassuring him.
"Ok. And yes I will go with you. I already made that vow." Jonah leaned over and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

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