Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

     The leader Wade held the gun pointed at the three that stood in his building. To Camila it was as if the world went silent around her. Even though Cade and Wade were screaming at each other, the zoned out cam couldn't hear them. She was struck with fear, frozen in place and able to communicate. Her amber eyes glanced over at Jonah who stood not far from her. Camila noticed how fearless he stood, as if he was a warrior about to leap into battle. Cade's loud scream and crazy antics is what finally snapped her out of her frozen state. The way he was yelling and flailing his arms for sure would get them killed.
"I have been loyal to you wade! Blindly following you and this whole time...THIS
WhOlE have BEEEEEEN LYING TO US. To me..." he finally fell silenced due to exhaustion.
"Cade, shut up. You were the idiot for continuing to follow me like a dog. And you two, you are the reason he woke up isn't. Cade I will forgive you for this uproar if you kill them, or at least kill him....or maybe her." Wade pointed the gun from cade, to Jonah, and then on Cam.
"Unless Jonah pleads and pledges to serve me...." Wade grins. Jonah's anger rose in him as he pointed the gun at Cam.
"If you kill anybody,kill me not her." Jonah spoke up.
"Oh? Why?" Wade asked. Wade new why Jonah wanted to make the sacrifice, but he wanted to hear the truth from Jonah's mouth.
"Go on...say it please? So she can here it and make this so much more tragic." Wade chuckled menacingly.
"Cause I love her." Joanh spoke softly. The words cause a sense of peace to wash over Camila. Her heart skipped a beat as her eyes fell on the man who she had been following. Truth was she felt the same for him as well, which is what made this whole situation worse.
"If that is true...then Who do you serve?" the cult leader asked as he smirked, thinking he had them in his wicked plan. Jonah remembers Devins's last words.
"Remember who you serve." Jonah spoke
"I serve the lord, who created heaven and earth.Jesus"
"Wrong answer." Wade pulled the trigger.
The deafening sound ran through the small building as the bullet exited Wade's gun. Without hesitation, Jonah leaps to push Camila. She falls into Cades arms as the bullet grazes Jonah's head. Cade catches the damsel. Cam let out a scream as she watched Jonah fall to the ground. She peels herself from Cade's grip and scrambles on all fours towards Jonah. He was unconscious with bright red blood dripping from his head. Cam cradled him in her arms as she wept. Cade lept in the air like a mad man and attacked Wade.
   As the two fought like animals in front of her, Camila cradled Jonah. She wept as she rocked him in her arms.
"I love you too Jonah... Oh God, please don't let him die." She repeated over and over, ignoring the bloody battle the two other men were having. Cade was able to knock the gun out of Wade's hands. The two fought like two tigers locked in a cage. Screams and blood flew all around Camila, but her attention was solely on Jonah. She rocked him softly, crying and praying to God above. Cade soon got the upper hand on Wade and slammed him down on his desk. The second in command wrapped his hands around Wade's throat tightly. He squeezed with all his might causing Wade's wide eyes to become bloodshot. As Cade noticed Wade's lips turning blue, he let go.
"Why did  you do this to me? You were my friend!" Cade screamed through tears. Cade used his palm to hit his own face in anger. He didn't want to hurt Wade. To him he was a friend and brother, however Wade felt differently. Wade had used and abused Cade for his own gain. He cared nothing for him. Wade coughed and held his throat. Seeing an opportunity Wade grabbed a letter opener that was on his desk. He jumped up from the desk and plunged it into Cade's right shoulder. Cade let out a scream causing Camila to snap out of her daze. Wade went to plunge the letter opener again into Cade again but was stopped by a loud bang. Camila was holding the gun Wade had dropped in one hand as she cradled Jonah in her other. Wade stumbled a bit confused as he looked down at his wound in his stomach. Cade noticed Cam holding the gun and he quickly turned to see Wade hold his stomach. Although Wade was injured, this didn't stop him. He slowly raised the letter opener again as he stumbled towards them. Cade quickly took the gun from Cam and pointed it at Wade.
"Stop this.." he whimpered towards his friend, but Wade kept walking towards them.
"I am warning you Wade, don't do this!" But Cade's words were in vain. Wade lunged forward to try and stab Cade again. Cade closed his eyes and pulled the trigger until the gun was empty. He only reopened them when he heard the thud from Wade's body hitting the floor. Cade dropped the gun and held his head sobbing with one hand and hyperventilating. Cam reached up and grabbed Cade's other hand squeezing it.
"Cade, CADE!" She called out. Cade stopped his noises and looked down at her.
"We need to get Jonah to the doctor. He is alive, but still bleeding." She spoke softly and reassured him that she was there for him, but the threat was still not over.
Cade scooped up Jonah and ran out the building followed by a bloody Camila.

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