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-Rudolf POV-

The average japanese monthly salary can range from approximately 130,000 yen to 2,300,000 yen. I don't know what is my father salary is but I assume it is around 15,000,000 yen to 22,000,000 yen.

My big sis Shizue is still studying at university but when she had some free time, she will do some part time job. She said that she always made from 1,000,000 yen to 2,500,000 yen monthly. And since I am the youngest in the family, big sis always give me some pocket money even though I never ask her.

Rimuru and Raphael, both of them had an online business that makes a lot of money. I always ask them how much they made, but they never tell me how much. But, from my investigation they made around 950,000 yen to 1,850,000 yen monthly.

How about me? Well currently I don't have a job to earn some money right now. With my height and age, is really hard to get some money. That's why I am walking in the street of the city to find some job when suddenly I came across a back alley. I can hear some people at there. That's strange, cause this back alley doesn't even have any resident or poor people at all. I move into the alley to check about it and see 3 guys were harassing a girl.

"Hehehe, look what we have here"

"A little girl. Aww don't be scared we don't wanna to hurt you. Right guys?"

"Yeah, we just gonna have fun with you"

The girl that were pinned on the wall started to cried and those guys still enjoying the sight of it. As I look around the area, I quickly kick a tin can on the floor towards one of the guys hitting him on his face.

"Ahhh!!!! What the f*** was that?"

All of them look at me, while I started to wear my fingerless gloves.

"Just a tin can don't worry about it mister. It just you guys scaring a girl at a back alley. And I curious about the word 'fun' you guys talking about" I look at them with a smug face.

"Damn you little s***!!!"

All 3 of them charging towards me. As the first person came, I kick his tight with my knee making a crack sounds in the process before he lying on the ground while yelling in pain.

"Ahhh!!!!! My leggggg!!!! It's hurtttttt!!!!"

The other 2 were shock what was happening but one of them still try to charge at me while lowering his body below his hip level. I quickly jump and do a back kick from aside hitting his head making him flying towards the hall hitting it, with some blood splash at the wall. The man body never move after that.

The last person quickly take out a knife from his pocket and started to slice blindly onto me but with no avail. I quickly took a plastic bag from a box near by and catch his arm with it. After that, I twist his arm with the plastic making him to drop his knife while yelling at me to stop. I quickly let go of the plastic and a give him a jab onto his face. He fell to the ground hitting his head on a sharp objects in the process.

The girl was stunned what was happening in front of her own eyes. I look at her while cleaning off some blood on my shoes. Suddenly she pulled a pistol from her waist and point it at me.

"Whoah whoah, what!? Are you gonna shot me?" I raised my hand in the air.

"Not you! But behind you!!" The girl yell at me making me curious what behind me. It didn't take long to see what is behind me.

It's Ultima pointing a pistol at me and 4 other person beside her aiming their weapon on me.

"Well I see everything Rudolf. You were a good person saving someone without knew who was them. I'm impressed. But, something like that is the type of person I pissed off so much"

"What is your point Ultima?"

"Just to have some fun"

"Some fun?"

"Yes. By torturing people" She fire 3 shot towards all of the person head that I fight of.

"But, that was an instant killed not torture"

"Oh I'm sorry, did I forget to mention that you are the person I'm gonna torture?"

All of the 4 men beside Ultima dropped their weapon and take out a long knife from their pockets and walks towards me.

"If you can beat them Rudolf, I will spare your life today" Ultima said at me with a smug face and started to seat on a box as her chair to enjoy the fight.

Suddenly the girl behind me fire a shot towards one of the man feet but she miss it. This make Ultima look at her with a pissed face.

"Tch, Misaki if you don't wanna make me kill this guy do not interfere" The girl didn't respond to her just simply back of a little bit and put her pistol on the ground.

The first person charge at me with the intention of trusted the knife into my stomach. I quickly do a roundhouse kick towards his neck instantly knocking him out. As the other look at me, I pick up one of the knife and start to test it. It was a well made knife, I like it.

-3 minutes later-

All of 4 person are on the ground, but with no blood. I just the knife as a defense weapons and mostly use my elbow and knee to beat them out. Suddenly, Ultima clapped her hand.

"Bravo bravo. I never thought that someone outside of my family will ever defeat my bodyguard. Now you make me wanna to recruit you" She get down from the box and walk towards me close enough that I can feel her breath at my own face.

"Know what is your answer?" She still maintain her position and took out a pistol from her waist and point it at my left chest.

-Ultima POV-

Know I wonder what will be his answer. If he doesn't wanna be recruit I will have he being my favorite toy of torture. In any situation, a good person they will simply refuse.....

"How much money will I get?"

Ehh!? Ehh!? Ehhhhhhhh!!!??? He just thinking about money at this critical situation? My my, what an interesting toy I just got my hand onto.

"Depends on your work. Most of my underline will say how much they wanna get and we will gave the job depends how much they want"

"If so, what kind of job will I get if I wanna 6,000,000 yen. Monthly"

6,000,000 yen!!! Oh crap, this dude got some balls to ask that much. There is only one job for it.

"There is one job for it"

"And what is that job?"

"To become my bodyguard. Personal bodyguard" I said to him while whispering it at his ear. No I wonder if he really wanna to get this....

"Say no more, I'm in"

"Eh!?" I back off a bit from him.

"You do know the danger and challenge to became a personal bodyguard right?"

"Well it got pays a lot, and I don't really mind about the danger or what so ever" He really said that with a blunt face. Finally, I got my own personal bodyguard!!!

"Then it is official, you are know my personal bodyguard. Know your first job, kill all of this 4 men. They were trash cause been beaten by you easily.
Can you do it?"

Rudolf walks towards all of the 4 guys and slice their head of one by one without hesitation.

"Come on Rudolf let's go, don't worry about the body, I had call someone to take care about it"

And that is how Ultima gets her personal bodyguard and Rudolf gets his monthly income.

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