Same secret I guess?

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-no one POV-

At a back alley around ten in the night, most people started to stay in their home to prepare for a new day. But for some, tonight will be a different tale. Rudolf and Shiori was walking at the back alley before Rudolf stop his step.

"*sigh* What a welcome" Rudolf said.

From the darkness, Ultima is walking towards him with a pistol at her hand.

"Oh Ru-chi. I thought it was someone else. Come on, both of you are the last" Ultima said than enter a building.

Both Rudolf and Shiori follow Ultima from behind. Inside, they can see more than 200 people were ready to arms. Then, Ultima approach them with something at her hand.

"Ru-chi, wear this coat. You will be one of my escort. Shiori, that will be you squad"

Rudolf than take the coat and wear it. He look at himself before saying.

"How is it?"

"Hmmm, it's good on you Ru-chi" Ultima gave a thumbs up.

"You sure loves 1920 and 1930 style"
Rudolf said.

"Etto, I just watched Peaky Blinders way to much" Ultima lift her shoulder.

"Good enough reason. What is my weapon this time? Cause, I forget to bring my mosin-nagant"

"Oh your weapon? Here it is" Ultima point at a crate.

Rudolf than open the crate and reveal the weapon. It is a RPK lights machine gun, it had five 75 rounds drums magazine.

"Only five mags?"

"Hey, at least it hold 75 rounds. It was 7.62×39mm"

"Now that you mentioned it, I saw many weapon were Russian origin"

From their perspective, most of the weapon were Russian origin such as AKM, RPK, RPD, SVD, Makarov and even some Maxim. Plus, a new crate just enter the building.

"Ohh, the big boy is arrived" Ultima said.

"Big boy?" Rudolf tilt his head.

"Rpg-7. That's the big boy" Ultima said.

"To be precise it was Chinese Type-69" Someone said at behind them.

"Nee-san..." Ultima sweating.

"Just to remind you to next time, if you want to buy original weapon from the original country. Just leave it to me. Now, most of the weapon you buy were just copy or license produce" Misaki said.

"Uggh. It's not that much nee-san. Look at this AK-47 and AKM" Ultima point the weapon.

"Chinese Type-56 assault rifle" Misaki reply.

"Uggghh.... How about the RPD?"

"North Korea Type-62"

"Ummmmm..... Makarov, SVD and Maxim?"

"Chinese Type-59, Chinese Type-85 and Finnish M/32-33"

"How about the RPK?"

"The RPK? You luckily cause you got the original Russian variant"

"*sigh* At least my other lesser weapon are not copy cat" Ultima said with a relief.

"Oh really? Say it" Misaki said with a stare at Ultima.

"M16 assault rifle"

"Chinese Norinco CQ 5.56 and Iranian Sayyad 5.56"

"Tokarev pistol?"

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