School patrollers

411 13 2

-Rudolf POV-

Damnit, I wanna go home right now but we still had a few more hours of classes. I don't really heard right now what were the teacher were teaching about. Just let me go home. Rimuru was beside me were whisper to me.

"Hey Rudolf, what textbook were you reading? It's was science class not history"

"Eh? Well my history textbook went missing that's why I use science textbook as a replacement"

"Were you f****** serious Rudolf?"

"Do I look like lying to you?"

Suddenly a chalkboard hit Rimuru and my head at a high speed. Both of us rubbing our head before look at the front.

"Rimuru and Rudolf. Please stop talking before something else gonna fly towards you guys head"

The teacher look at us with furious. But then I got a great idea.

"Sensei! Rimuru said that chalkboard is to small and he requested if you can throw a bigger item"

"Hey! I never said that! Sensei Rudolf is....."

Suddenly the teacher desk were flying at us but both of us manage to jump to avoid it. As we look to the front, we can see the teacher was readying to throw another desk.



Both of use jump out from the class window before the desk slammed into our desk and we land onto bushes beside our class. It's our luck that we didn't get seriously injured.

"Never expect to meet you guys here"

Me and Rimuru look to the owner of the voice and it was Diablo-senpai.

"Never expect to meet you here senpai"

"Yo Diablo, anything you need?" Rimuru just treat Diablo like an old friend.

"Not much but the president want to have Rimuru train our school football team for the competition of football between school"

Rimuru look at Diablo with a happy face.

"Really?! Wow I'm very grateful with that. Wait a minute......why me? I mean I join the football team and why don't just let me join in the team to lead our school?"

"Because you were the school financial student in the council. To add more news that our school will became the ownership of this year so expect a lot will come to you "


Poor Rimuru, I hope he can do it good without significant problem.

"By the way Rudolf, have you join any competition yet?" Suddenly Diablo senpai ask me.

"Nothing for now. Why?"

"Really? I thought you already join the art competitions"

"Oh that's competition. I already applied to join the competition but........ those bastard really want me to make a world war"

"Such a shame that they don't accept you for the competition. But don't worry I have one suited for you"

I look at Diablo senpai with a confused expression. Is there really other competition that suits me?

"What is it senpai?"

"It's not a competition, but a job to be precise"

"Haahhh......a job? Well I don't mind as long I get paid fairly good"

"Kukuku, don't worry this job will sure gave you a good payment"

"What is the job"

"As you aware Rudolf, our school will be the ownership this year and the other school will send their staff to help us with the preparation. But, we have to keep an eye for all of them for any sabotage. Do you clear?"

Rimuru and Primordial go to earth ( Tensura x OC )-fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now