The fight at the factory

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-Rudolf POV-

I look to the left there is a lot of people. The same goes to my right direction. I was eating while crouching on top of a bench.
I never thought that this dango was very good. That's why Raphael so obsessed with it. I look to the left and right but nothing catch interested of my eyes. I wonder how were the condition of the saboteur, hope they were alright. Suddenly, someone tap my shoulder.

"Hmm?" *I look behind me*

"Hey Rudolf! Are you free right now?" Ah, it's just Carrera.

"Free as always. Why?"

"If you don't mind, can you accompany me?"

"To where?"

"Just walking around. Nothing more"

"Why not. I'm bored right now"

Both of us walk through the stall with many servings like selling food, mini games and even treasure hunt! Suddenly Carrera open her mouth.

"Hey Rudolf, can I ask you something? Hope you don't mind about it"

"Say it, I'll hear it first"

"Which one do you prefer? Big or small?"

Eh? What kinda question was that? Is she talking about that food stall right there? Then, big will be my answer. Cause why not? Big is better!

"Big. I prefer big above small"

"......... Is that so. Then I take my leave. See you tomorrow Rudolf"

"....... I thought you gonna buy me some food. If that was not the question, what it is anyway?"


While I taking care of some saboteur and were about to bring them to the trash can, announcement was heard.

[[ Good afternoon everyone, I hope all of you enjoy the any competition that were being held in our school for the next 4 days, but I already get some uneasy news. ]]

Ah, it's Diablo-senpai. I wonder what kind of announcement this time.

[[ I sure that all of you guys saw someone body in the trash bin all across the school. And when they woken up, they said that they were being by our school students, which that will never HAPPEN IN OUR SCHOOL!!! ]]

Heh, they awake that fast. I guess I should break some bone next time.

[[ Next announcement, there's been reported saying that the school principal may or not may have been bought his pet snake to the school. But rest assured because things are under..... ]]

"Aaahhh SNAKE!!"

"Run for your life!!!"

I look to my right and saw and anaconda walking through the crowd and many of them run away with panic. I wonder what will Diablo-senpai says about this.

[[ .... Don't worry everyone. The firefighter are on their way to capture the snake. Please be patient so that no casualties will happen. End of today announcement, please enjoy the competition festival ]]

Just that? Damn, I have my thoughts to shoot that snake, but since someone else will handle it it's make me feel bored. Suddenly someone call my name from my back.

"Ah Ru-chi, nice timing to see you here"

Ru-chi? Ah it's must be Ultima. I turned around and yes it was her.

"Nice to meet you too. What's brings you here?"

"Nothing just wandering around at this competition festival. You didn't join any competition right?"

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