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Heather's POV:

                Holy cow! I just kissed Harry! I didn't mean to kiss him like that, just give him a friendship kiss on the cheek to say bye and thank him. But when he moved his head, I landed on his lips and wow, I felt sparks. It reminded me of how Zayn used to kiss me, but better. I quickly broke away and am too embarrassed to say anything and run away.

                As I get out to the parking lot, I realize I don't have any way to get home. I call my friend Niall, who's a night shift doctor, and ask him if he can pick me up because I don't have a way home. He says yeah, and he'll be there in a bit. I feel kind of bad because he just got off work a few hours ago and was probably sleeping.

 A little bit later, he comes rolling up and I hop in. He notices that I'm not in scrubs and wonders why I don't have my car. "I had an asthma attack today at the park. One of the people in the park is an ER doctor here and he helped me. He called an ambulance and took care of me at the hospital. When I was just about to leave, I gave him a hug and tried to kiss his cheek to thank him, but he turned his head, and we ended up kissing. I was so embarrassed that I just ran out of there and called you".

"Holy sh!t Heather, are you okay? What's this doctor's name? Do you like him?" he asks me in a tangled jumble of words. "Yes I'm fine, Harry took care of me really well. I think I do like him, and he's really good looking too, I just don't know if he likes me back and now I ruined everything". "Harry, Harry, oh you must mean Dr. Harry Styles, right. Yeah he's a really nice guy. Really kind and enjoys his job a lot. I'm sure that you didn't ruin anything. Just go up to him tomorrow and say sorry. He'll forgive you, he's not one to hold grudges. Then ask if you can make it up to him by buying him a coffee". "Thanks Niall, I don't know what I'd do without you. Can you drop me off at my house? Then I have to go get Zoey from one of her friend's houses." "Do you want me to just drive you over to her friend's house and we can pick her up? I want to see my munchkin again". "Yeah, that would be great. Turn left here and it's the blue house on the right."

 He pulls up to her house and I get out of the car to go get my daughter. I walk up the steps and knock. Soon Karina opens the door and I see Zoey come running to me. "Mommy! Mommy! I missed you! Are you okay? I hear you had an zamia attack." I laugh and pick her up and tell her, "it called an asthma attack and yes I'm okay. A really nice doctor, named Harry helped me get better. You ready to go, Hun?" She nods her head and I thank Karina for everything. I get to Niall's car and Zoey see's Niall. "Uncle Ni! I missed you!" She runs up and gives him a big hug. He reciprocates the hug and we all go home. We get to my house and Zoey and I get out. I then thank Niall and we go in.

As Zoey gets her homework done, I get dinner started. I'm thinking tacos for tonight. We then eat dinner and get ready for bed. I tuck Zoey in, "good night, my sunshine. I love you". "Good night Momma, love you too". I turn off her light and get in bed myself. Today has been a long day and I have to be up early for work tomorrow.

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