Sick Zoey

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Double update for y'all because u guys are awesome :)

Heather's POV:

I wake up feeling refreshed and well rested. I get a shower, get dressed, and get coffee started. I then look at the clock and see that it's time to get Zoey ready for school. I go to her room and gently wake her up. "Zoe, you have to wake up now. Come on baby, wake up". She slowly wakes up and then lets out a moan of pain. "Mommy, I don't feel good. My tummy feels all icky and my head hurts". I feel her forehead and she has a small fever. I then get her some medicine and she drinks it. I decide that she shouldn't go to school today and to just bring her to work and have her lay down in one of the on-call rooms. There will be plenty of people to help take care of her that way. I mean, I work in a hospital.

 I get her dressed and we go to my work. I see Louis first, and tell him Zoey doesn't feel good and ask him if he can just check her out really quick. "Sure Heather, Come on bug, let's get lots of stickers!" Zoey laughs as Louis picks her up gently and takes her in one of the rooms to check her out. I swear, sometimes I think the kids act more grown up than him, but it works out really well because the kids love him and he's really good at his job. I go in the room just as Louis' checking her eyes, ears, nose, and throat as well as taking her temperature. "She has a 101.4 fever and her throat's a little red. Bug, does anything else feel icky?" "My tummy". He then starts feeling her tummy and declares that it's just the flu and gives her some medicine and tells her to drink lots of water and get lots of sleep and gives her a whole bunch of stickers. I thank Louis and get Zoey set up in one of the on-call rooms. I then tell everyone that Zoey's in there, and that she's not feeling good and if they can check on her every once in a while that would be helpful. They all agree and I start my day.

It's not until half way into my shift that I see Harry. He's talking to Louis and when he sees me he smiles. He excuses himself from Louis and walks over to me. "Hey, I heard your daughter's here sick. How's she doing? he asks with a concerned expression on his face. "She's doing better. I asked Louis if he could do a checkup and he said that she has the flu. Thanks for being concerned", I shyly answer and look down. "Hey, is everything okay? You just left all of a sudden yesterday. I couldn't even let you know that that was the best kiss I've ever had", he tells me and I look up to see him smiling at me. "U-um sorry. I just got nervous. U-um would you like to get a coffee with me then? I have to check on Zoey first, but then we can go down to the cafeteria and grab some coffee. It's the least I could do since a ran away". "I'd like that. Do you mind if I come with you to check on Zoey? I'd like to meet her". "Yeah, she's in the on-call room sleeping. Let's go."

 We walk together in silence and when we get to the room, I quietly walk in and see Zoey sitting up reading a book. "Hey Zoe. You feeling better Hun?" She turns to me and nods. She then sees Harry behind me and asks, "who's he mommy?" I turn to Harry and tell her, "This is Dr. Harry. He's the only that helped me with my asthma attack yesterday. He heard you were sick and wanted to see if you were feeling better". Harry walks over and sits on the side of her bed and says, "Hi, Zoey. How are you feeling?" "Better. Thank you for taking care of my mommy Dr. Harry. I love her and don't want to lose her. She's the bestest mommy ever!" We all start laughing and I tell Zoey, "It seems like you're feeling a lot better, Hun". Then Harry turns to Zoey and asks, "Since you're feeling better, do you want to get a cookie from the cafeteria with us?" Her eyes light up and she jumps up and gives Harry a hug and a yes! Harry looks at me and I smile at him. Usually guys kind of forget to include Zoey, so to see him include her in our forgiveness date, makes me feel happy.

Harry picks Zoey up and carries her while we go down to the cafeteria. We get our coffees and her cookie, but when I try to pay, Harry won't let me. "I got it. Can you take Zoey and go find a table that we can all sit together? I'll meet you". I thank him and take Zoey from his arms. She's fallen asleep on him and I don't want to wake her just yet. 

I find a seat and soon Harry comes over to the table with the coffees and cookies, I see that he got himself a cookie as well. He sits down and we start talking. I ask him why he decided to be a doctor. "My mom died when I was real little from a drunk driving accident. My dad had bailed on us before I was born and I grew up in foster care after that. I wanted to be able to help save people in order for that not to happen to more kids like me." "I'm sorry Harry, you're a good person and I'm sorry that happened. That's really great of you to think that way though". "Thanks, so what about you? Why'd you decide to be a nurse?" "Kind of the same thing. You already know that my husband died. He died from a bombing in the military. From then on, I wanted to help save lives. I was pregnant with Zoey at the time and so I went back to college, got my degree and became a nurse". "Wow! You got your nursing degree while being pregnant with her? That's amazing. I commend you for that. I know just how hard that is and to do it while you have hormones and your body aches is amazing". "Thank you. So, do you have a favorite movie?" "Yeah, I really like The Avengers. I personally like Thor best. He has such a genuine heart, but is still a bad a**. What about you?" "I also like The Avengers, although I like Captain America best. He seems really nice and kind of innocent in a way that makes him adorable". "Did you really just call Captain America adorable? He's a one man army, created to help them win the war against the red skull and Hydra!" We both end up laughing and continue talking for the rest of our lunch break. As we are walking away, he asks if he can have my number. I give it to him and he gives me his. We then get back to our job and head home. POV

                Ding-Ding-Ding! You have a match!

Sorry guys, I just showed my geekiness. Who else saw Avenger's Age of Ultron? Personally, I liked the first one better, but to each their own :) Let me know what y'all think :)

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