~ Prom pressure ~

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Words: 756
Tw: swearing

Chapter 3:

I hurriedly gather up my text books and scurry out of class along with everyone else. I dash over to my locker and shove all of my junk inside. I pull my phone from my pocket and turn it on. I start to text Craig until I look to the locker next to me. I see Craig standing there while writing something down on a post it note.   He sticks it up at the back of his locker and looks at me. I wonder why he was so late?


"Hey babe" I say while scrolling through my phone, making sure Tweek didn't text me. "Was class okay?" I ask, hoping for a yes.  "No it was shit, I wanted to text you but then I didn't and then I accidentally screamed in class and everyone looked at me and laughed and it was so embarrassing and it was all TOO MUCH PRESSURE." He rambled anxiously. Fuck, I knew something would go wrong. " it's okay honey, You can always text me if you need okay? Take a breath, I'm sure no one cared " I calmed him down and hugged him gently. "I was going to text you but Mr Garri took my phone " I explained. Suddenly the loud speaker booms. "ATTENTION STUDENTS, WE ARE JUST INFORMING YOU ABOUT WHAT DATE PROM WILL BE HOSTED ON." Many students cheer and clap. "THERE WILL BE POSTERS AROUND THE SCHOOL EXPLAINING THE DRESS CODE. MOST IMPORTANTLY, PROM WILL BE IN 2 WEEKS FROM NOW ON THE 24TH OF MAY!" Oh fuck what am I going to do? I wasn't prepared for it to be this soon. I see Tweek twitch. 'GAH!' I can tell he is just as stressed about it as i am. What can I do to help him?

AH WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? Loud voices continue to scream inside of my head but I shut them away. Prom is so soon but I have no clue what I will be wearing or worse, who I will bring. I know I have to bring Craig but I am way too scared to ask him. What if he rejects me and embarrasses me in front of everyone? I just don't have the guts to do it. I look over my shoulder and see Craig standing their. He has his usual blank expression on his face but this time I can sense a note of worry. 'H-hey Craig, are you ok? You always seem to check up on me when I'm stressed I always forget to check on you.' He respond in his regular monotone voice. 'Oh yeah I'm fine, thanks for asking.' I can tell that he is forcing a smile. Have I done something? It is all my fault. 'GAH NO! OH IM SORRY.' I tug on my hair and yelp. I start to run as fast as I can, though I am not a very fast runner which means Craig manages to catch up to me quite easily. I quickly dash into a bathroom stall and quietly sob. I have gotten good at crying silently recently. Why can I do anything right?

I lightly bang on the bathroom stall as I hear Tweek begin to hyperventilate. 'What do you want from me Craig? I know you hate me...' He snaps at me. The thing about Tweek is that he will not hold back when he is upset. "Babe, please come out. You know I don't hate you." I plead, the longer he stays in there the more he'll freak out. " yes you do! Go away!" He snaps tearfully. "Tweek, you know that's not true, I could never hate you" I say, obvious sincerity in my voice. I could never hate him, I love him but he would freak if I told him that. I don't even know if he loves me. I can hear him sniffing and crying , "Honey , open the door" I feel like I'm begging now. "You mean a lot to I would never hate you" I continue. "O-okay" the door creaks open and he walks into my arms. I hug him tightly to reassure him and he calms down. "Th-thank you Craig" Tweek whispers. "It's okay tweek " I whisper back. "Are you ready to go back out?" I ask. He nods and I grab his hand. I open the door and he closely follows me out. Thank god he's feeling better but now I have to figure out what to do for prom.

I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to get out. Triceratops (one of the writers) and I both have been busy with school. We both promise we will get more chapters out to you soon. <3

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