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Word count: 1440
Tw: swearing

Chapter 4:

The bell finally rings and I gather my brown messenger bag. I start walking to Tweek Bros coffee shop to help my parents. I put on an apron and tie it tightly around my waist. I grab a mug and begin filling it up with coffee for a customer when I suddenly hear a loud sound. This causes me drop the mug. Coffee spills all over me and onto the floor. 'GAH!' My parents come rushing over to clean it. I'm always making massive messes. I decide to go home, purely from the embarrassment. As I begin walking I hear a familiar voice. 'Tweek!' He says in a monotone voice. 'Oh h-hey Craig! Gah!' I hate how I stutter. 'I was just wondering if you wanted to come home with me now?' I instantly say yes. 'Sure I can come but I just need to go home and change. I spilt coffee all over myself at the coffee shop.' I force a giggle. Craig tells me he will wait for me at the park and then we can walk from there. As I get home I panic. How will I ask Craig to prom? What will I do? I grab a pair of brown converse, brown jeans and a long sleeve sweater and dash out the door. Craig stands by the entrance of the park. 'Ok, let's go Tweek!' He seems oddly excited. After 5 minutes of walking I notice that we are walking a different way. 'Craig, where are we going? This isn't the way to your house.' He responds with 'oh, I thought we would walk a different way for a change.' Pink blush spreads across his cheeks and onto mine.

I grab his hand and lead him towards the hill behind my house."are you sure we are going the right way?" Tweek asks as we walk down the winding path.  " yea this is right" I smile to him. I've been planning this for days, I just hope he says yes. We reach the top of the hill and I tell tweek to close his eyes. "O-okay" he says hesitantly and closes them. I grab his hand an lead him to a heart made of coffee cups with a big sign in the middle. "WILL YOU GO TO PROM WITH ME?" written in blocky writing. I let go of his hand and stand infront of the heart. "Okay open your eyes" I say nervously. He reads through the card and blushes. "Yes!" He smiles and I feel so much relief. I walk up to him and hug him. God I love him. "Thank god" I smile and he lets go of the hug to pick up a coffee. I laugh and he walks back to me "suit shopping this Saturday? " I ask. He nods and I realise how girly that sounds.

Saturday finally arrives and Craig and I have planned to go meet up at the mall together. Today I decide to go with something simple, red converse, blue jeans and a short sleeve button up with a vest over the top. I check my watch, grab my backpack and a cup of coffee and start riding my bike to the mall. When I get there I see Craig standing by the suit shop waiting for me. He is wearing vans, black jeans and a large hoodie. He looks to comfortable and cute! 'Hey Craig!' Blush paints itself over my cheeks. 'Honey, you look so nice today! I mean you look nice everyday' Craig gives me a genuine smile. I'm one of the only people who has actually seen him smile. Blush paints itself over my cheeks. We both walk into the store and begin to look around together. In my head I imagine myself wearing converse obviously as well as a long sleeve shirt, pants and a green suit jacket. Out of the corner I see something that catches my eye, a green bow tie. I drag Craig over to it and show him with excitement. 'Wow, this is so nice! I love it!' Craig admires it carefully. I leave it there to sit as Craig picks something out and walks into the changing room. Gosh, I just love him so so much.

I look through my options while sitting in the change room, dark green, dark blue and baby blue. I decide to try on a baby blue button up and dark blue suit. I open the curtain and see tweek playing with the bow tie "is this alright ?" I ask him. He blushes and nods "yea that's good, you're good, I mean you look nice" he stuttered and turns red. I feel my cheeks flush "okay" I smile and close the curtain. I change back into my clothes and carry the suit with me. "Ready to pay?" I ask gently. Tweek just nods. "That will be $500 " the cash register smiles at us. Fuck that's expensive. I tap my card hesitantly. "That was really expensive, I can pay you back" tweek says, he sounds guilty but he's done nothing wrong. "It's fine babe" I smile at tweek but I can tell he feels bad. We walk past some guys from school, cartman, Kenny, Stan and Kyle. "HAHA LOOK AT THE GAYBOS" cartman yells as we walk passed. "OH FUCK OFF YOU FAT FUCKING DICK" I scream back, tweek etching closer to me anxiously. Shit, what if I scared him? He gripped my arm more as Eric yelled some slurs while Stan tried to shut him up. "FUCK OFF FAT BITCH" I yell at him, flipping him off. Tweek jumps. Fuck I scared him. "I'm sorry" I whisper to him. "It's okay, I'm fine Craig." he responds. He still sounds scared. I fucked up. "Do you want to go home? We can play video games at mine?" I ask. Tweek nods and grabs my hand.

As I wrap my fingers in between Craig's, I ramble on about my plans for the rest of my outfit. I already own a forest green suit jacket and matching pants from an event I had to attend a year ago. Craig seems genuinely interested. When people say that they feel their heart flutter around the people they love I always used to think that it was used to create a dramatic description. Now I understand it, my heart feels light and my chest is filled with fluttery butterflies. I  get lost in the sparkles in his eyes. 'GAH! SORRY I GOT DISTRACTED!' I gasp as a realise he was staring back at me the whole entire time. My cheeks turn bright red. We arrive at his house and plonk down in his couch. His parents are both out at an event and his sister is at a friends house. He points the remote at the TV and smirks at me. I study all his features as I lean in. His beautiful eyes, his perfect nose and kissable lips. My thoughts suddenly go blank as our lips fit together like a puzzle piece. His nose softly touches against mine as we quickly pause to gain our breath. Seconds later his hands wrap around my neck as I let my lips wander back to his. The world pauses as the moment continues.


My hands wrap around tweeks neck, pulling him closer to me. My hands flow through his hair. I feel him smile through the kiss. He leans back against the arm rest of the couch and accidentally clicks the remote, turning the tv on.  I pull back and laugh, smiling and he laughs too. God he's amazing. I love him so much. He's perfect.  I stare at his lips before kissing him once again. I can feel his cheeks flushing red. He pulls me in, wrapping his hands around my neck. "Sorry!" He lets go, panicking. "No, it's fine babe" I smile at him and he gets back the confidence. I hear the door creak open. Shit. Tweek obviously hears it too and pushes me up but it's too late.  Tricia is standing infront of the door staring. "Oh my god" she says in shock. "I swear, it's not what it looks like " I try to come up with a lame excuse.  "So you weren't just making out?" She questions me. Fuck. "Don't tell mum and dad please " if she tells them I'm killing her. Tweek anxiously looks at me. My parents don't know about us yet and I don't know how they'll react. "I wont" Tricia says, walking over to grab her phone and leaving again. Oh thank god.

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