~ I love you ~

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Words: 377

A million thoughts are running through my head as I chase after tweek. He loves me? He keeps taking weird turns, shit we're gonna get lost. I start sprinting to catch up "TWEEK! STOP PLEASE!" I yell after him. He turns his head and I can see the panic in his eyes. He eventually gets back to his house and locks the door. "TWEEK LET ME IN" I yell, banging on the door. "No you hate me! I don't know why I said that!" I can tell by his voice he's crying. "Tweek" I start. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" He snaps back. "I love you too" and all of a sudden those three words don't seem so scary anymore. I hear the door gently unlock and tweek slowly opens it. "You do?" he says weakly. "I love you" I say, hugging him. Wind blows and rain gently pours around us. Tweek looks up and I kiss him. I wish I could freeze this moment and stay like this forever.

I stare up at Craig's wet hair and clothing and shove him though my front door. "You're soaked!" I giggle as I make coffee for myself and a hot chocolate for Craig. I carry both mugs upstairs and place them on my desk before reaching into my closet to grab a spare shirt and pants for Craig. He walks into the corner of my room and takes his clothes from prom off. He notices me looking and smirks. I begin to blush which causes him to blush as well. I dig around for a shirt until I find the jumper he 'lost' a couple weeks ago. "Uh Craig... do you want this back?" I hold out a blue zip up jumper with stars on the sleeves. I put my arms though the sleeves at wrap it around myself before he could answer. Craig admires his jacket on me as we both snuggle into my bed. This has been the best night ever. "Goodnight my love, I love you!" He whispers into my ear. "I love you too Craig!" We both fall asleep together. His arms wrapped around me and my head on his chest. I never knew how important three words were.

This is the end of this story. I hope you liked it!!! This is our first time ever writing and posting and we are so surprised on how many views this has gotten. Thank you for sticking around to the end of this story!

Random thing:
Person who wrote Tweek's pov: me
The amazing person who wrote Craig's pov: TR1CER4T0P3

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