What The Fuck?

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Killua is now drowning in an indescribable emptiness.

(LOL, jk... Not really ;))

Panting can be heard as she begins to run faster.

"No, no, no!" She muttered to herself. She saw something that she shouldn't have and now is on her way to tell Killua.

Although he already might be aware of the current situation, she still needs to find him.

She runs through the halls, counting the numbers on the doors to find Killua's room number. She's never been so paranoid to find someone. Killua hasn't been talking to anyone besides Alluka since Gon was kidnapped. It's been almost a full 24 hours.

"Finally…" She whispered to herself as she continued panting.

She starts banging on his door.

"KILLUA! OPEN UP! PLEASE, IT'S URGENT!" She yelled as she continued banging the door.

She stops and waits. Faint footsteps can be heard. Like they were being dragged.

The door soon was unlocked and revealed an awful looking Killua. It's only been about 16 hours since Gon was taken, and it's currently 7 in the morning.

"What do you want, Retz." Killua growled angrily.

"Have you checked your phone at all?!" Retz shouted. She took out her phone and unlocked it. She went to a group chat that was recently made and tapped on something. She sighed and hesitantly turned the screen towards Killua.

"It's Gon.." She whispered as she looked down at the ground.

Killua took her phone and stared at it. Retz just stood there silently. She slowly looked up to see Killua's reaction. His eyes were dull, emotionless. Although, she knew that he was breaking down inside. It broke both of their hearts to see Gon all bloodied up with fresh cuts and bruises from whips.

"They whipped him.." Killua mumbled as he stared at the phone.

Retz looked at him confused.

"How would you know that?" Retz questioned.

Killua just looked at her.

"I've been through hell trying to become an assassin. Although I'm not one, I was trained and beaten, tortured, all kinds of shit." Killua replied.

"So, to answer your question, yes, I do know that he was whipped." He said sadly.

"I- I'm sorry." Retz said quietly.

As soon as she said that, Zushi, Suki, Alluka, and Kurapika came running to Killua’s door.

"WHY DIDN'T ANY OF YOU GUYS TELL ME GON WAS KIDNAPPED!" Kurapika shouted as tears came running down his face.

"I barely found out.." Retz replied.

"So who else knew?" Kurapika asked angrily.

"Me, Alluka, and Zushi." Killua responded with a dull look in his eyes.

"What happened exactly, though?" Suki asked. Suki really didn't know anything if he was being honest. He's rarely part of any situations like this. This is why he likes to avoid them.

"All of you, come in. Alluka will explain." Killua started walking into his dorm as everyone followed.

As soon as everyone is seated, Killua goes to close the door and lock it.

"You can start." Killua said.

Alluka looked at him sadly and nodded slowly.

After explaining…

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