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GNK-145 walked slowly across one of the many hangar bays belonging to the space station he had been assigned to. He was the standard gray model with an imperial insignia painted on his left side.

This particular unit also just so happened to be a rogue GNK. The imperial insignia being purely a disguise so he could make his way into the space station to do his work as a member of the Cult of the Power Droids.

He had managed to sneak right in as nobody ever suspected a droid such as him. And even if they had it wasn't as if he was a rebel, only a religious fanatic.


The droid's mission had been to collect as many donations to the cause as possible, the droid hadn't expected so much from the imperials but he had never expected them to give nothing.

GNK-145 knew that was why they were all about to die.

The GNK lord was not pleased and he was a vengeful lord.

Alarms rang throughout the space station as imperials shot at each other, all hoping to be the lucky few to get to the ships in the hangar.

GNK-145 walked by, not paying the sinners any mind as he listened with the GNK equivalent of glee as they did the lords work and cut each other down. He prayed for them silently.


GNK-145 stopped only for a moment to look at two creatures who were on the ramp of a nearby shuttle. The droid recognized the dark lord of the sith, one of the few on this station he had decided to avoid. However he had no idea who the blonde taking off said sith's helmet was.

The power droid very briefly considered asking the boy for a donation but he saw that the two seemed to be having an emotional moment and decided that he would let them have this in case the GNK lord decided he would smite these two with the rest of the sinners.

A moment later the sith was dead, proving that the lord had indeed seen fit to at least kill one of the two.

GNK-145 watched as the blonde picked up the sith's body and carried him onto the shuttle before the droids slow legs could possibly carry him over to it. The ramp closed and a moment later the shuttle took off.


GNK-145 was happy the lord was at least willing to see one man survive what would undoubtedly become a genocide. He hoped that in turn the man would one day see the light and convert to their cause, he of course knew this would never happen but it was a nice idea nonetheless.

The power droid began walking towards the hangars exit. He knew of course that he would find no ship at this point which would be able to carry him, that shuttle had been the last in the room. He didn't know exactly what was happening but he assumed he didn't have enough time to find another hangar.

As he approached the invisible shield which stopped the air from leaving the hangar the droid saw multiple ships fly out, they of course held the lucky few who had made it to ships by killing their brethren. They were not as lucky when rebels ships quickly appeared and shot them to pieces.

Though he did not like the imperials GNK-145 still prayed for their souls. He was a kind droid and he knew that although they hadn't payed tribute to his lord they weren't all bad people unlike many of their officers. They were just good soldiers, following orders until the very end.


GNK-145 pushed up as much as he could from the ground with his little legs and now found himself outside the energy shield. He was now in the cold vacuum of space.

The power droid slowly floated away from the Death Star. He didn't look back, mostly because he couldn't. The emperor had gotten to ambitious, creating this technological terror to do only what the GNK lord should be capable of. What happened next was proof of that.

The Death Star exploded.

GNK-145 rode the shockwave of the explosion, picking up speed as he soared through space. The droid laughed to himself although since he was in space it was silent.

The money the Cult of the Power Droids had collected had been worth it. Once they were able to afford it the droids had all gotten improvements.


Cortosis is what the droids platting was now made of and it was completely worth the expense. It had the highest energy absorption and transmission coefficients of any mineral in the known galaxy. This alone is what let GNK-145 survive the death stars explosion, although not entirely undamaged.

GNK-145 floated quickly through space, now far away from where the explosion had been.

He said "GONK" to himself after a few days but of course there was no sound. It was peaceful like this, the droid thought. This was what the galaxy should be like. Quiet, peaceful, yet not uncomfortable.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Much of this time the droid spent shut down so as to preserve power, but what time he did spent conscious was wonderful.

The galaxy was wonderful, even in the vacuum of space there was life if you knew where to look. The droid saw Purrgil come out of hyperspace only to redirect themselves and go back in. He saw Exorgoths come out of asteroids to eat small ships. He even saw little glowing creatures he could not name. This was the side of the universe that the droid had always wanted to see.

GNK-145 knew that one day his power would run out but he also knew now that he'd be content that day, he'd seen the universe and he now had no doubt that there was indeed a GNK lord, for who else could create all this?


Word count: 1017

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