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Zeven Sarat nervously walked through the long halls of the Jedi Temple. His master requested to meet her in the Meditation Garden. At least the cool tile was a comfort under the Zabrak's bare feet. 

That's right. 

All his life, Zeven wasn't a fan of shoes, especially in his younger years. His parents gave up after a while and accepted it. When he was discovered as Force sensitive, he managed to not only do great in training, but also to channel The Force to his feet. It's the same way he used with his hands, but it took a lot longer. It was a channel Zeven had to build over years of training and meditation. Once he managed to fully channel it, he used it for quick blasts to either jump more or against foes in combat. His master became pleased with him and his handling of The Force. 

He finally arrived at the Garden. Zeven saw his Master, Aayla Secura, under a nearby tree, cross legged in meditation. "Zeven," she acknowledged, then gestured to join her. 

The Padawan approached and took his seat. "M-Master," he greeted. 

"Why so nervous, Zeven?"

"Feel like I'm 'bout to get scolded, for my actions on Ryloth. I was erratic and spoke out at them. And then I decided to run into the heat and-"

Aayla held up a hand to stop his rant. Zeven bowed in apology. She nodded and said, "But, your actions, however so, still saved lives of the unit. And yes, I'm not at all proud of the past you discovered. But, to be a Knight, you need to look at the past to know how be better."

Zeven looked at her, confused. "Knight? Master, I'm still your Padawan. Knighthood is still far away."

A smile came to Aayla's face. "No, Zeven. The Council came to a decision, and The Force has guided you to this new path. You are to be a Jedi Knight."

Zeven was in disbelief. He didn't expect to attain this new rank anytime soon. "M-Master? I don't know what to say! A Knight! Me!"

Aayla laid a hand on his shoulder and said, "Your ceremony is tomorrow. Report back here." The two rose and continued into the Temple. "Now go and rest, Zeven. You have a big day tomorrow."

"I will. Thank you, Master Secura. May The Force be with you." Zeven bowed and left towards his quarters. The young Zabrak leapt for joy in the hallway after Aayla was out of sight. "I made it!" He quietly shouted. 

The next day, he found himself outside the Hall of Knighthood. He was dressed in his olive green tunic and black pants that went to just below his knees with a brown cloak across his shoulders. 

The door hissed open. Zeven walked forward and stopped when the room went pitch black. Then it illuminated with multiple lit lightsabers of the Masters. Zeven shivered in slight fear and excitement as he saw Yoda approach with his saber. 

"Step forward, Padawan." He did and knelt before Master Yoda. "Zeven Sarat, by the rite of the Council, by the will of The Force, dub thee, I do, Jedi-" Yoda hovered his saber over both shoulders, then with a quick swipe, cut the braid behind Zeven's right ear, "-Knight of the Republic." He slowly stood and his eyes locked with Aayla. "Now, please leave, and later with your master, you shall meet." Zeven bowed to Yoda and left the room. 

The Padaw- no, Knight, made his way outside and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. "Zeven!" someone called out to him. He turned and recognized the ruby red hair in an instant: Aleta Yeish. The two had been friends since they were younglings. "I just saw you leave the Council Chamber. Is, everything okay?"

"It's okay, Aleta. Had something to do with my hair," he said, motioning behind his right ear. 

She squinted her eyes and did notice something: "Your braid's gone! You're a-! You're a Knight!" She wrapped him in a bone crushing hug. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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